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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Dry or Dryish July

Go Dry this July

You might have already heard… Sign up for Dry July 2020 is now open, and we’d love you to take on the challenge this year!

We understand it’s an interesting time - your life may be slowly returning to normal, you’re able to see friends and family again, and yes, even your favourite restaurants and pubs are opening their doors (we know we’ve been craving a good old-fashioned schnitty!).

But the good news is - you can still socialise and head out to support local businesses, all while doing Dry July! Simply order a delicious meal and a lemon, lime and bitters (or your favourite non-alcoholic drink ðŸ˜‰).

Despite COVID-19 impacting many parts of our daily life and society, what remains unchanged is that people affected by cancer still need our support. In fact, they need our support more than ever. That's why we need as many people as possible to get involved in Dry July this year to raise vital funds for cancer patients and their families.

Click here for dry July

If you’re not quite up for a full Dry July this year, we’ve introduced a few new options… We’re calling it Dry(ish) July.

You can choose the original 31 day challenge or choose a Dry(ish) July, and go dry for 21 or 14 days instead.

Click here for Dryish July

No matter how long you go dry for, you’ll be raising important funds for people affected by cancer, who need our help now, more than ever.

VINTAGE 88FM Business Of The Week is.........Penrith Mazda - Vintage 88FM Face Book Page

Vintage FM - Home | Facebook

The Vintage FM Business of the Week is
Penrith Mazda
! Keep your eye out for the Penrith Mazda EOFY Standout Event.
Get exceptional value on cars such as the Mazda CX-5 Maxx from $32,990* Driveaway.
Enjoy an Increased Instant Asset Tax Write-Off for eligible businesses. Ends June 30. T&Cs apply
Contact them today on (02) 4207 9824 to book a test drive.

Image may contain: car, text that says 'THE MAZDA STANDOUT EOFY EVENT Cx-5 MAZDA CX-5 MAXX T&Csapply DRIVEAWAY FROM $32,990'

Coronavirus COVID-19 Statistics Update With A Cartoon - Raul Arregui's Face Book Page

Image may contain: text

COVID-19 Daily Reports:

Editor's Notes:
I love the cartoons being supplied with these stats!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Protecting Your Organisation From Cyber Threats During COVID-19 - Western Sydney Community Forum

Have you recently received a suspicious email from a friend or colleague?
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many services to go online, and has increased the number of cyber attacks.
Protecting Your Organisation From Cyber Threats During COVID-19 
Western Sydney Community Forum has partnered with the NSW Cyber Security Innovation Node and NSW Treasury for a series of lunchtime discussions about cyber security - what it means, why it is important for you, your service and your clients, and how you can implement it in your organisation.

Cyber security expert Tony Vizza from the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) will host the event. AISA is a not-for-profit, member-based organisation largely run by volunteers so Tony knows the challenges that come with implementing cyber security strategies on small budgets!

Wednesday 4 June 2020


QPR Suicide Awareness training - Virtual Classroom! Zoom In! Lifeline South Coast

Did you know that in Australia we lose 8 people to suicide every day?

And 6 of them are men.


We all have a role to play in preventing suicide

We all need to do our part in helping to prevent suicide.


Gatekeepers are individuals who are likely to come into contact with people at risk of suicide.

Gatekeeper training aims to equip those individuals with the skills to recognise and respond appropriately to people at risk of suicide and assist them to seek appropriate help.


QPR strands for Question, Persuade, and Refer – the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.

Just as people trained in CPR help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognise the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade and refer (QPR) someone to help.


The QPR training course will provide you with:

  • Knowledge and skills to identify warning signs that someone may be suicidal
  • Confidence to talk to them about suicidal thoughts
  • Connect them with professional care


As many of you know, our face to face training sessions have needed to be rescheduled due to the Covid-19 restrictions, and Lifeline South Coast is proud to be able to deliver this face to face session via Virtual Classroom delivery!


I want to invite you to register for this session that will be held on Fri 12th June at 10am – 12.30pm


We will be utilising the Zoom platform (free to install and to use, available for PC, tablet or phone) but places are limited to only 14, so please register as soon as you can.

I will post out the QPR work book and some resources that you would have received if attending at the face to face session.

Please register on our website using this link:



With thanks,


Donna Moss

Training Administration Officer

Lifeline South Coast

My working days are Mon, Tue, Wed


02 4226 7254  (direct)  P 02 4228 1311 

W www.lifelinesouthcoast.org.au

I acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as traditional custodians of the lands of Australia.

Lifeline South Coast remembers those we have lost to suicide.

We are committed to inclusive communities.

 EDITOR'S NOTES: Thank to Wendi Hobbs from SSPAN (Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention & Awareness Network) for refering to this on.....

Click here for previous post


Sydney Desalination Plant Expansion Review - NSW IPART

ipart logo

In Your Neighbourhood - This Week - Shoalhaven City Council

In Your Neighbourhood Newsletter

  • Stayfit with Shoalhaven Swim Sport & Fitness
  • Footpath Closure Shoalhaven River Bridge
  • LED Floodlighting for Nowra Showground
  • Heritage Funds Grants
  • Missing the spotlight?
  • Bushfire Water Usage Rebate
  • Resilient Australia Awards Open

Working From Home - The New Reality, Or Business As Usual? - id. The Population Experts

blog | .id the population experts

 EDITOR'S NOTES: After reading this article, I am certain , our working world is changing: We will have 4 days a week of work and there will be millions of Australians working from home.

And finally, we will have  so much and so many empty offices around the country. Now, to help the growing population, they could help  by housing the homeless or even new intake of immigrants we receive!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Have you Been Listening To Upbeat Songs With John @ Bay & Basin 92.7FM?

Thank you to all listeners of my 2nd radio show of 'Upbeat Songs With John' at Bay & Basin 92.7FM, your local community radio station.
This is where you place your song request, on the 'Upbeat Song With John @ Bay & Basin 92.7FM' Face Book Page. Remember, anyone that knows me could be who that 'Dedicated Sing' goes too. So, it could be you.
The show started tonight, at 6pm, This was the program for tonight:
1 Rock around the Clock by Bill Haley - Champion Song
2 Sunshine on my shoulders by John Denver
3 I dreamed a dream by Susan Boyle
4 All you need is love by The Beatles - Golden Oldies Song
5 In the still of the night by The Five Satins - Golden Oldies Song
6 Could it be I’m falling in love by The Spinners
7 Got to believe in magic by David Pomeranz
8 Honey by Bobby Goldsboro
9 Marry Me by Train - Dedicated to my Fiance, Debbie McRae
10 Only you by The Platters - Golden Oldies
11 Ring my bell by BT Band - Champion Song
12 You raised me up by Josh Groban
13 Crocodile Rock by John Elton - Champion Song
Here is a link to listen to the show if you were not able to hear it or if you would like to hear it again:
Click to listen to podcast
If you would like to listen to the first show as well- click here:
Remember, listen to the show, same time, same radio station, NEXT WEEK!

My Old High School - Coronavirus COVID-19 Affected - ABC News

Who would have thought that with the schools that Coronavirus  COVID-19 would not have affected my old High School, Waverley College:

Click here for story from ABC

Gates of a school

Click here for my thoughts on relaxing laws, previous post

Friday, May 22, 2020

Coronavirus Episode One: Resilience & Adapting To Change - Waverley College Video

This is a video from my former school. how they are coping with educational changes in dealing with COVID-19 and making sure 'Education' continues.

I 'm sure most schools are doing the same and feeling and dealing with the same issues as changing in these times. I thought I would just share this important video as it may help other educators and schools. Well done Waverley College!

Let's see if other schools have their own videos.

This was a video addressed to 'The Old Boys':

Episode 1

The world has had to face several pandemics in modern times that have caused significant loss of life and disruption including: 

  • Spanish Flu - 1918-19 (est. 50 Million) 
  • Asian Flu - 1957-58 (est. 2 Million)  
  • Hong Kong Flu - 1968-70 (est. 1 million)  
  • Swine Flu H1N1 - 2009 (est. 400,000) 
  • Covid-19 - 2020 (323,000 as of 20 May)
COVID-19, like previous pandemics, has created significant health risks, social pressures, economic loss, general hardship and influenced how we have had to deliver education.   

On Monday, 23rd March, The NSW Premier Ms Gladys Berejiklian, announced that all students should stay at home and that teaching would need to move online. Through your hard work and dedication, the College successfully transitioned to online learning over a few days.   

Online learning has played a crucial part in ‘flattening the curve’ and saving lives, however, short-term school closures and social distancing has had a negative impact on people’s wellbeing.   

With the help of staff, students and parents, we are creating a video series that documents the many and varying perspectives on life at Waverley College during COVID-19. We envisage this series will act as a virtual time capsule.  

Episode 1 takes a look at how we planned and transitioned to online learning, how staff and families responded to this change and their reactions when they learnt we were returning to face-to-face learning. In episode 2, we will highlight the transition back to school and what the ‘new normal’ looks like for the Waverley College community. 

I would like to share episode 1 of the series with you and thank you once again for your resilience, commitment and ability to adapt to change during these extremely challenging times.    

Warm regards, 

Graham Leddie 


Blacktown City Council - Beats & Bytes - Brett Sams - Season 2

Blacktown City Council

Brett Sams joins us for his second performance for our Beats and Bytes: the lockdown sessions!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Blacktown City Council - Beats & Bytes - Alyshia Alejandro - Season 2

Blacktown City Council

Alyshia Alejandro joins us for her second performance for our Beats and Bytes: the lockdown sessions!

In Your Neighbourhood - Shoalhaven City Council

In Your Neighbourhood Newsletter

  • COVID-19 Restrictions Easing
  • Wheelbarrow Road Works Update
  • Reopening Advice for Food Businesses
  • COVID Kindness Cards
  • Major Commission Awarded
  • Mobile library Community Survey
  • Australia's biggest Morning Tea- Cancer Council

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Daydream Believer - Joel Vyner - Mount Druitt Singer

Here is one of Joel Vyner's songs, ' Daydream Believer' -  originally sung by the American group 'The Monkees':

I hope you like his version and share it if you do to your friends/families.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Don't Get Scammed Looking For A 'Lockdown Puppy' - ACCC Scamwatch

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Scamwatch
Scamwatch radar alert - top banner

Australians have lost nearly $300,000 to puppy

scams this year, and scammers have been 

particularly targeting those seeking a furry 

companion during social isolation.


Scamwatch has seen a recent spike in puppy 

scams and in April reports were almost five 

times higher than the average, with losses on 

track to exceed the 2019 total of $360,000.

“A lot of people are stuck at home and going 

online to buy a pet to help them get through 

the loneliness of social isolation,” ACCC 

Deputy Chair Delia Rickard said.

“Unfortunately the rush to get a new pet and 

the unusual circumstances of COVID-19 

makes it harder to work out what’s real or a 


Scammers set up fake websites or ads on online classifieds and social media pretending to sell sought-after dog breeds and will take advantage of the fact that you can’t travel to meet the puppy in person.

The scammer will usually ask for up-front 

payments via money transfer to pay for the 

pet and transport it to you.

“Once you have paid the initial deposit, the 

scammer will find new ways to ask for more 

money, and scammers are now using the 

COVID-19 pandemic to claim higher 

transportation costs to get across closed 

interstate borders or additional fees for 

‘coronavirus treatments’,” Ms Rickard said.

“Unfortunately once you make the payments, 

the seller will cease all contact.”

The most common breeds reported were 

Cavoodles and French Bulldogs and most 

people contacted the scammers via an email 

address they found online.

“The safest option is to only buy or adopt a 

pet you can meet in person and if you cannot

 do that during the current lockdown 

restrictions, consider putting the search on

hold,” Ms Rickard said.

“Scam websites can look quite convincing, so 

try not to fall for the adorable puppy pictures 

they post, and remember, if the price looks too 

good to be true, it probably is.”

“Research the seller by running an internet 

search using the exact wording in the ad and 

do a reverse image search for pictures of the 

specific puppy, as you’re likely to be dealing 

with a scammer if you find matching images or 

text on multiple websites,” Ms Rickard said.

“If you are in doubt, seek advice from a 

reputable breeders association, vet or local 

pet shop.”

So far this year Scamwatch has received over 

2,000 reports about COVID-19 scams and 

reported losses are now more than $700,000.

“If you think you have been scammed, contact 

your bank or financial institution as soon as 

possible,” Ms Rickard said.

More information on coronavirus scams is 

available on the Scamwatch website

including how to make a report and where 

to get help.

You can also follow @scamwatch_gov on 

Twitter and subscribe to Scamwatch 

radar alerts.

Click here for previous post

Bay & Basin Public Transport 'Catch a Bus Day' Why is it needed?

I am at the beginning stages of organising a 'Bay & Basin Public Transport 'Catch a bus Day". The inspiration has come from...