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Thursday, May 28, 2020

QPR Suicide Awareness training - Virtual Classroom! Zoom In! Lifeline South Coast

Did you know that in Australia we lose 8 people to suicide every day?

And 6 of them are men.


We all have a role to play in preventing suicide

We all need to do our part in helping to prevent suicide.


Gatekeepers are individuals who are likely to come into contact with people at risk of suicide.

Gatekeeper training aims to equip those individuals with the skills to recognise and respond appropriately to people at risk of suicide and assist them to seek appropriate help.


QPR strands for Question, Persuade, and Refer – the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.

Just as people trained in CPR help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognise the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade and refer (QPR) someone to help.


The QPR training course will provide you with:

  • Knowledge and skills to identify warning signs that someone may be suicidal
  • Confidence to talk to them about suicidal thoughts
  • Connect them with professional care


As many of you know, our face to face training sessions have needed to be rescheduled due to the Covid-19 restrictions, and Lifeline South Coast is proud to be able to deliver this face to face session via Virtual Classroom delivery!


I want to invite you to register for this session that will be held on Fri 12th June at 10am – 12.30pm


We will be utilising the Zoom platform (free to install and to use, available for PC, tablet or phone) but places are limited to only 14, so please register as soon as you can.

I will post out the QPR work book and some resources that you would have received if attending at the face to face session.

Please register on our website using this link:



With thanks,


Donna Moss

Training Administration Officer

Lifeline South Coast

My working days are Mon, Tue, Wed


02 4226 7254  (direct)  P 02 4228 1311 

W www.lifelinesouthcoast.org.au

I acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as traditional custodians of the lands of Australia.

Lifeline South Coast remembers those we have lost to suicide.

We are committed to inclusive communities.

 EDITOR'S NOTES: Thank to Wendi Hobbs from SSPAN (Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention & Awareness Network) for refering to this on.....

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