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Saturday, September 14, 2024

The People Spoke as a comfortable Landslide win for The Shoalhaven Independents in The Shoalhaven City Council LGA Elections 2024

 A surprising win for the Shoalhaven Independents Group, after uncalled-for personal attacks on candidates on Social media and at the polling booths aimed at the Mayor Patricia White, leading Candidate Bob Proudfoot, Ward 2.

There was a massive swing away from The Greens for the Mayoral Candidate from 2021 results, Amanda Findey, 22,951 slumping down to Kaye Gartner 6,243 votes (with Prepoll and Postal Votes counted yet to be counted), which means that the Shoalhaven LGA community, were not happy with the Leadership of The Greens party and gave them a slap in the face for running Council the last three years., leaving the Council in debt of at least $35M. I remember hearing at Prepoll from a 'Greens' Spokesperson said, 'Don't you believe that the Council should be in debt?' and stated how good it was to be in debt. If it was a business during that term, Council would have been Liquidated by now, how good is that?

So Patrica White, Shoalhaven Independents Group had increased her vote substantially from 2021 when Shoalhaven Independents Group had 3 Mayoral Candidates and results were 6,606 to a current tally of  14,518 holding at 44.16% of the vote, so far. The most important factor is she got in without any preferences required. I believe the first time the Shoalhaven Independents won without preferences. 

Chlick here for the Mayoral Results for Shoalhaven

Although the NSW Electoral Commission doesn't have the Full result from Councillors, Vincentia where Bob Proudfoot, make have fallout became a stronghold.  Labor Party increased slightly and the Greens lost their ground in Vicentia - over 100 votes less than in the last election.  This was  Kayae Gartner's Polling Booth. Further updates are to be provided. we know that the 'Baggers', the ones that bag the candidates ongoing - which is unnecessary, will be humble as they realise what all the people of Shoalhaven LGA wanted was a mighty big Change'. A Great win for the people of the area!

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