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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Out-Of-Home care costs and pricing - NSW IPART


Picture of a family on the beach, holding hands at the water's edge

Out-of-home care costs and pricing


Interim Report released - feedback sought

The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has released an Interim Report on the costs of the out-of-home care (OOHC) system.

This Report sets out our preliminary findings about the way the current system is operating and the costs of providing foster care for both the Department of Communities and Justice and non-government providers,

The Report also reflects what we have heard about some of the challenges carers experience and makes some early findings about the care allowance.

We have received some very valuable information from stakeholders who provide care for children living in OOHC. We are keen to keep engaging with you and welcome your feedback.


Best Regards,
IPART Out-of-home care costs and pricing review team


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