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Sunday, June 30, 2024

WaterNSW Rural Bulk water - NSW IPART



WaterNSW rural bulk water


IPART has released its final decision on WaterNSW’s rural bulk water charges for the year 2024-25.

The annual review sets the maximum prices that WaterNSW can charge for rural bulk water services in the Murray-Darling Basin and Fish River Water Supply Scheme
in 2024-25.

IPART’s final decision is to maintain the charges set under the 2021 Determination. This means that increases in charges will be limited to inflation of 3.6% from 1 July 2024.


Solar feed-in tariff benchmarks


IPART published its solar feed-in tariff benchmarks for 2024-25.

The benchmarks provide a guide to consumers about the value of solar feed-in tariffs they can expect to be paid by their retailer.

From 1 July 2024, consumers can expect to receive a flat-rate solar feed-in tariff between 4.9 and 6.3 c/kWh for the solar energy they export to the grid.

We estimate the value of solar exports based on our forecast of the wholesale price of electricity at the times that solar electricity is exported to the grid.


Energy Sustainability Schemes Engagement Strategy


Stakeholder engagement is important to IPART in its role in administering and regulating the schemes under the Energy Security Safeguard (Safeguard).

If you’re a stakeholder within the Safeguard, we welcome feedback on our 2024 Draft Safeguard Stakeholder Engagement Strategy to make sure our engagement continues to be relevant and effective. We are seeking feedback by 12 July 2024.

The 2024 refresh reflects our continued commitment to strengthening our engagement efforts and sets out:

  • The stakeholder engagement landscape in which we operate
  • The Energy Sustainability Schemes Stakeholder Engagement Framework
  • Our strategic priorities for strengthening our engagement approach
  • How you can expect to engage with us

New ESS and PDRS Rule published


A new Energy Savings Scheme Rule (ESS Rule) and new Peak Demand Reduction Scheme Rule (PDRS Rule) have been published.

The new ESS Rule includes changes published on 19 December 2023 as well as additional changes. This Rule will apply to implementations from 19 June 2024.

The new PDRS Rule amends existing activities and applies to implementations from 1 August 2024. It further introduces two new battery-related activities which start on 1 November 2024. See our PDRS Rule page for a summary.

What you need to do

Start updating your processes and systems now. To help you understand the changes, we have updated our information and provided you with what you need to know to get ready. Read our 2024 ESS Rule Change Quick Reference Guide and our PDRS Quick Reference Guide to help you understand the changes and get ready.


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