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Thursday, June 16, 2022

What an up and down Political week for all of us

What a political week it has been. Should we say that the 'Political heat is on' or is it all gassed up?

I must say since I've been posting after the election of 21st May 2022, we have had some constructive conversations, creating a lot of interest on both sides of politics. What I do is do my best to present supporting evidence to support my statements. My statements are not there to create a scary community, they are there to make our community aware of how politicians can change from election policies to a community that may not have much freedom, left with us.

We are all lucky Australians, living in a lucky free country. We are able to travel freely around the country as long as we keep within the law. And laws can change, especially when a new Prime Minister who has a history of being involved 'led a group within Young Labor that was aligned with the left faction's Hard Left, which maintained 'links with broader left-wing groups, such as the Communist Party of Australia, People for Nuclear Disarmament and the African National Congress - quoted from Wikipedia Click here for details'

Why does this worry me? Well, I'll tell you: When my parents married, they didn't bring any extended families from Europe. I had no real Uncles and Aunties. I had only met my grandparents from Dad's side and they came from Czechoslovakia. After the Soviet Invasion under the Warsaw Pact - 'The Soviet invasion of Prague', wanted to get rid of reformers in 1968. What they also got rid of was ownership from rightful owners. My Grandfather lost ownership of his own tailoring business and a block of units he owned and the Soviets left one unit for himself and my grandmother. When I met him he was telling us how living in a communist country was: frightening. There were coupons for daily bread, and food essentials, queueing for each item in separate queues and on just about every street corner your id was checked. Is this the type of community we all want to live in? Where it makes people fear government actions and government ran your life. I remember he was questioning my dad about how can he go down to the corner shop without id all the time, fearing jail sentences if no id was carried. Click here for Warsaw Pact Invasion details

So, why am I worried, Why shouldn't I be worried? Because of  Albo's previous links to the Communist Party. I may be in a class of my own here but how would you all feel if your own home you owned was taken away from your very own, your business was taken away from yourself and was owned by the government. This is why I am writing blogs and I am passionate to make people understand what may happen. Make them realise what we could end up like in this kind of State and fear. Anyone that has had Communist Party links, may still have them. This now creates maybe a different agenda than what we are used to, from our 31st Prime Minister. Only time will tell.

Albo started off by making friends with Communist China! Click here for details

My issue here is which Country would he rather shake hands with first, USA or China. Now Scomo understood that Covid-19 has been suggested to start in Wuhan, China and wanted to make China responsible for universal countries going into debt due to Covid-19. China refused they were to blame. If propper measures were taken in China, there would not have been a Pandemic

So what has happened this week or so:

7th June visit to Indonesia Click here for details from News.com.au

Another working holiday for Albo as he tries to shake hands with the Muslim Indonesian Government, providing stronger relationships with Indonesia. maybe he could talk to Joko and ask him not to send boats to Australia - if he doesn't, boats galore will be arriving in Australia - similar to the previous history.

Did Albo hide from home because of interest rate questions? Click here for details

Energy Crisis: This is where all he can do is blame the previous government, for what is happening now. Click here for details Finger pointing is something Albo is very good at so far. At what stage do we start blaming him? After the next election! Whilst the Greens are closing coal mines and have been in the background in the past Click here for one post on it, while closing them has it been assessed by the Greens that there was enough energy to be generated by other energy sources. I'd say no. While they are on this 'Climate Change/ Policy, coal mines have been closed, not realising that there may not be enough energy to be supplied to all communities.

If we are heading to different energy sources, why wasn't it catered for by bureaucrats and politicians from all sides that there would be no shortfall?

Now a good thing Albo is going to do is change the name of the national Cabinet. This could be that when it is mentioned,  people will not associate it with Scomo. Another useless cost for us tax-payers.

So Albo has scored with the young with the Fairwork Commission for a $40 per week pay increase to the minimum wage earners. Actually, he got a bonus 0.1% above his promised policies. This is great news for our young but on the flip side of the coin, does he realise here comes another inflation increase as well from the $40.00 per week, as I am sure 70 per cent of youth would be spending that extra $40.00, per week. More money is being circulated within the economy, thus raising inflation rates again as well as rising interest rates. So how do small businesses feel about paying the extra on the minimum wages, well with rising fuel costs, which, the current government would not reduce petrol excise (Like Scomo just recently did)? Local businesses have to find that extra money to pay their staff.

Yes, I know people will say businesses make a profit. This may cut into their profit (if they are making it) and it may break some small to medium-size businesses, that have been struggling with rising costs: petrol, goods and even issues of hiring quality young staff that are keen to work. A cafe owner in Sydney is feeling the pinch already and the effect of the $40 per week wage rise for low-income earners. Click here for details

My take on the performance of workers to get a wage rise is pretty basic. I have always been grateful for receiving an income per week/fortnight that allowed me to have a roof over my head and feed my family, allow me to take holidays, without being called back to work (like Scomo) during the holidays. In the last company I worked for, the employer looked at 'Key Performance Indicators' that I had achieved or not. I never had a perfect outcome in all statistics, though out each year. The employer would review my work and then offer me a high level of pay rise, medium to a low level as well. Sometimes it was backdated to the 1st of July of that year.

Before I was born, people would have been happy to work and there was plenty of workaround available. Employees were loyal and there was no push from employers, they were satisfied they had genuine, loyal workers. And that was the true respect between employer and employee. You'd probably stay in that business for 30-40 years based on the business being successful.

So, I think a fairer system to help both the employer and employees would be is 'end of year achievements scheme'. The employer would allocate funds at the end of each year to dedicated loyal workers, proportional to their level of commitment to helping the business make a profit. The employees that did their day-to-day work and decided to leave the business for a high dollar wage in another job/industry let them go. Respect loyal hardworking employees. That's what happened to me!

Also, congratulations to Fiona Phillips for being re-elected for the Federal Member of Gilmore, officially!

Click here for the previous post

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