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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Have Your Say For A Better Bus Network for Greater Nowra - NSW Transport


As a former public transport advocate for Mount Druitt and the Western Sydney, with the help of the community, we got many changes through from bus shelter upgrades to proper bus service re-introduced into the area after the NSW Government removed those services in 2009.
 I was told by a few people that because of the political temperature in that area,  no one will care and nothing will be done. without the support of the local community, it could not have been done.
Now moving into a regional area that services provided are not as frequent as higher density areas of living, sets a new focus of  real demand required. As yet, I haven't caught a bus yet and am looking forward to the scenic tour of where the 102 bus service goes. All I hear from people again, is there isn't enough services to meet commuters demands.
Questions need to be raised is a cost affect approach or is it blind to the fact that if your double your services, you will at least double your patronage? I have had people raise ideas of when the clubs community buses are not running could they reduce the issues of demanding service if factored in the Bus Region 4 Bus services.
Something, I would be pleased to look into as well as any minor or major improvements recommend as well.
One recommendation I have already asked, whilst speaking to the Bus Operators representative is that  Do you supply email updates of  any service as provided in Bus Region 1. The answer was we are a small company and we don't do this? So this could one step in the right direction to offer email or mms updates when services are changing.
Now's the time to have your say of bus services in the area after you have completed your bus service. Survey Starts  as from 11th January 2021 to the 5th February 2021. This is the time not just to have this a s dinner table topic but to have your say as a public transport user, using the bus network.
I also understand we have campaigners to extend the rail across the Shoalhaven River and down to the Southern Coast and this topic has been raised with the NSW Government for decades. In my eyes, rather than completing more bridge for more cars into Nowra or Bomaderry, providing train services will reduce the vehicle traffic with the area once it would be completed. So, yes, I do have positive feedback to give to NSW Government Representatives and Stake Holders to improve public transport infrastructure within the Shoalhaven Local Government Area.
So each and every one of you have an important role to complete this survey. If the feeling and moods are the same from all of us, change will happen in time. I also urge  people who do not catch public transport in the area to fo so and give your feedback. This is especially if you will need to use public transport one day, whether it is for travelling to work or just commuting from town to town.

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