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Friday, May 31, 2024

Magical Songs - Upbeat Songs With John - Show 197

So this Monday night, we have a program called, 'Magical Songs' on UBSWJ Radio Show and last week was 'Australian Pop Songs Never Played Before on Upbeat Songs With John at Bay & Basin 927FM, making you feel relaxed, From 6 - 8 pm.
The last promotional post had 19 Post Impressions, 16 Post Reaches, 3 Post Engagements and 3 likes., 1 love, 66 shares.
I like to thank the people who have liked this page - the Likes and followers have remained the same at 162 and 179 on this Page. This shows a greater audience that appreciates the thought put into these promotions.
So tune in to 927fm.com.au on Monday night and enjoy whilst listening live you could even provide a song request by text to
0403 572 344 and dedicate your song to someone you care about, like or love!


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