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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Pricing for land valuation services provided by the NSW Valuer General - NSW IPART




We want your feedback on the draft Terms of Reference for our review

The NSW Valuer General is responsible for providing land values in NSW. A key reason for this is for councils to calculate rates. IPART periodically determines the maximum price that the Valuer General can charge councils for this service. We have received a draft Terms of Reference from the NSW Premier to determine prices that would apply from 1 July 2025.

We are seeking submissions on the draft Terms of Reference to ensure our review has an appropriate scope. Submissions will close on Friday, 21 June 2024. We may recommend changes based on the feedback we receive.

There will be other opportunities to participate in the review throughout the year including through meetings, submissions, and public hearings. At this stage, we are only seeking feedback on the draft Terms of Reference.

Best Regards,
IPART Valuer General Pricing Review Team

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