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Monday, May 27, 2024

NOw more than ever - Story Factory


Hi John

This week is Reconciliation Week, a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Here at Story Factory, we are committed, as always, to supporting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to be able to use their voices to tell their stories, carrying on the traditions of the oldest storytelling culture in the world. This year's theme, Now More Than Ever, reminds us that we all must continue doing everything we can to work together towards reconciliation.

With a number of special projects gearing up over the next two terms, we can't wait to share more fantastic student writing with you!

Story Factory 



Last weekend, our staff and students spent an action-packed weekend prescribing poetry to cure all manner of ills at the Sydney Writers' Festival. We gave out nearly 600 prescriptions, chatted to supporters and potential volunteers alike, and even sold some books by our brilliant student authors! Check out just one of the poems that were on offer below.

Be like a flower, don’t worry
about growing better or taller
than everyone else around you,
just focus on finding the sun

— Jonan

If you missed us at the festival, don't despair! Our Poetry Prescriptions are also freely available online.

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