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Monday, June 5, 2023

Could private capital resolve our housing crisis? - .id Informed Decisions

I agree. I'm actually shocked that according to our population of 25.69 Million in 2021, we have 2.2 Million Landlords and 2.9 Million renters. I actually thought it would have been around 5 Million each. And of these how much are overseas investments?

Personally, I would like to see multiple 'Tiny Houses' of villages, where one or two renters could be accommodated, allowing for the courtyard on each property,  access to great public transport, community hall and completed amenities for a very good lifestyle. I understand it is not everyone's 'cup of tea' but if private capital went into this type of property investment, there could be many benefits provided to all. Less homelessness, more properties on the rental market and a fair rental price charged.

.Id - a  website that deals with population figures and works out different subjects and trends. I always appreciate their articles as they seem to work out what could be a future in Australia. They base their information on The Australian Census figures.

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