A blog that will cover many items, raise topics for discussion and proper kind of debate and/or support for issues raised
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Thursday, March 31, 2022
Daylight Saving Ends this Sunday Morning
Sydney Alliance on The Federal Budget
Community members celebrating the power of solidarity at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Seven Hills yesterday.
The Win
An additional intake of 16,500 places costed in the budget, earmarked for Afghanistan.
This is an additional number, above the annual refugee intake.
What it means?
Bipartisan support to accept refugees fleeing the Taliban as called on by civil society since 2021.
The backstory
We all watched the fall of Kabul with sadness, and many of you were spurred to act. The Sydney and Hunter Community Alliances brought people together and then planned and took action. Delegations fanned out to meet MPs, on both sides of the aisle, and consistently applied pressure over the last six months. Hundreds of you took part calling on the Federal Government to take responsibility and open the doors to those fleeing the Taliban.
The Alliance of Alliances
Across Australia, Sydney and Hunter Community Alliances joined people of the common good each bringing their own gifts and skills to the campaign.
This work was led by leaders from Afghan communities - Zaki, Hava, Arif and many others, including:
- Action for Afghanistan
- The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum
- United Workers Union
- Christians United for Afghanistan
A big recognition to all those Alliance leaders across congregations, parishes, local action groups, mosques, synagogues and unions who worked together and/or donated to this campaign.
The lesson
This additional intake should have been an obvious moral act for the Federal Government. Instead, a diverse group of everyday people had to apply consistent and persistent pressure through relational, organised action to see a result.
What's next?
Whether on refugees, housing, affordable energy, transport, climate, disaster mitigation on walking together with First Nations, the Alliance trains people in the art of community organising.
You are invited to jump back in, in one of our upcoming local actions or solidarity seminars, as we organise for the common good.
Check out our season of action & learning here.
Or donate to support the work of the Alliance.
In solidarity,
David Barrow
Lead Organiser, Sydney Alliance
Council Undertaking Coastal Dune Rehabilitation - Shoalhaven City Council - Media release
1 April 2022
Shoalhaven City Council are undertaking rehabilitation works at Callala Bay, Bendalong and Shoalhaven Heads on coastal dunes impacted by erosion. These important rehabilitation works will be completed as soon as practicable.
Coastal dune rehabilitation primarily involves a coastal management technique referred to as Nature Assisted Beach Enhancement (NABE), also called Beach Scraping.
NABE is the mechanical movement of sand from the lower part of the beach onto the higher part of the beach, or sand dune. This technique mimics the natural accumulation of sand following a beach erosion event. It has been planned in close consultation with the relevant State Government Agencies.
The use of NABE enables a quick-response mechanism to prevent any further damage to assets from ongoing storms that may occur after the works have been completed. The natural accumulation processes can take months, or even years to rebuild after a major storm event.
Planning and coordination of these projects was to address impacts on the site sustained from coastal erosion events over the past 12 months.
The planned outcomes from this work provide a sand buffer for the forecasted impacts, aimed to provide adequate short-term protection for Council assets, natural areas, and cultural heritage.
Works at Callala Bay, Bendalong and Shoalhaven Heads will only be undertaken when weather permits a safe and environmentally sound solution. Council is frequently monitoring forecasts for potential storm surge and ocean swell events, which may impact on the current works.
Council appointed contractors have established appropriate exclusion zones for public safety. The community are reminded to adhere to these controls. These projects are being supported by funding from NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) Coastal and Estuary Grants Program.
Ongoing assessment of hazards and impacts within Coastal environments will help plan the most appropriate risk management strategy into the future.
Further information can be obtained from Council’s Coastal & Estuary Management Planning website.
Coastal Dune Rehabilitation at Bendalong |
Please Explain - 'How To Vote Responsibly' In The Federal Election' - One Nation Party
The more votes that count, the better official results will show up. This is a great video, trying to reduce the informal votes, which are both wasted and possibly protest votes against the current government, government as a whole or for whatever reason. To me, I was taught, voting was a privilege, an Australian right, an honour and besides that it can be exciting, especially if a candidate gets in by a few or a handful of votes. Watch this video and how having formal more formal counted votes is important, no matter who you vote for:
How To Vote Responsibly Not a day goes by without someone asking me questions about how our voting system works. Questions about how many boxes need to be numbered or where do preferences go, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. With a federal election likely just days away, I thought now was the perfect time to try and clear this up once and for all. So I called in some help from Australian television and radio icon John Burgess and teamed him up with the Please Explain crew in an effort to answer every question you might have about how voting works in Australia. Your vote is your voice and I want to make sure it is heard. Feel free to show this helpful guide to anyone you know who has questions about voting and let's make sure this election everyone's vote is counted and correct.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Extension to Free Disposal of Flood Damaged Waste - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release
30 March 2022
An extension has been issued to 30 April 2022, allowing residents to continue disposing of their flood-damaged waste free of charge.
In support of the clean-up effort, waste directly caused by the severe weather events and floods in the Shoalhaven in early March can be disposed of free of charge at any Council Recycling and Waste Depot.
Residents will be required to sign a declaration at the Waste Depot that the waste disposed of is a result of the 2022 March East Coast Low severe weather and flooding event.
The Shoalhaven community has shown incredible resilience during yet another challenging event. Providing free tipping of flood-damaged waste is a crucial step in the recovery phase for the whole community.
Visit our Recycling and Waste Depots page for a list of Depots and operating hours.
Monday, March 28, 2022
Council pumping generosity into northern flood recovery - Shoalhaven Ciy Council - Media Release
28 March 2022
Shoalhaven City Council is doing their part to assist communities in the far north of New South Wales who have been impacted by recent flooding by sending much needed water utility supplies for essential domestic infrastructure last week.
The much-needed equipment will allow sewerage systems to flood affected areas to be reinstated and thus reduce the health risk to the community and the environment.
Council’s water utility Shoalhaven Water has lent a helping hand with relief operations with spare plant and equipment including Pressure Sewer Unit Control Panels, testing panels, domestic pump systems and control panels.
Shoalhaven Mayor Amanda Findley said, “When Council heard the urgent call out from NSW Department of Planning and Environment to support our northern neighbours with essential parts, we responded and pulled together a package of supplies and shipped them to the Public Works Advisory Unit at Evans Head.”
“When Shoalhaven was impacted by Bushfire a few years ago, many agencies came to our aid. Being able to repay that generosity is incredibly important. In times of crisis, the reassurance to know we are all in this together can make any Australian proud.”
“We recognise that the flood recovery process is long and ongoing for the many affected areas. They now face new challenges and needs that come with rebuilding communities and restoring essential services,” Clr Findley said.
Friday, March 25, 2022
Please Explain from Epsiode 16 to 20 - Pauline Hanson's - One Nation Party
Click here for Episode 16 'Please Explain the Progressive Dream'
Episode 16 "Please Explain The Progressive Dream" The left likes to dream of a more progressive future but what would that future really look like? While they like to imagine their perfect world will be all solar panels and sunshine, history has shown us that when the left gets everything it dreams of then the rest of us are in for a nightmare. So join us this week as we learn what might happen if the left gets everything it ever wanted. By the way, if you are enjoying this series but you think you might have missed a few episodes you can find the complete playlist on the new One Nation website.
Click here for Episode 17 ' Please Explain Political Campaigning'
Episode 17 "Please Explain Political Campaigning" Usually, you would need a crowbar to pry your average politician out from behind their desks and into the real world. That all changes come election time. Suddenly politicians rarely sighted outside the Canberra bubble are appearing on the front pages of magazines in awkward poses or blinding themselves as they mishandle welders in photo ops gone wrong. All in the name of political campaigning, Join us for this week's episode of Pauline Hanson's Please Explain as we learn how political campaigning works, why politicians do it, and why they won't stop.
Click here for Episode 18 -'Please Explain The Swamp'
Click here for ' Please' Episode 20 'Presidential Politics'
Episode 20 "Please Explain Presidential Politics" We've reached the end of the 20 episodes of "Please Explain" we contracted to make with the production company, and we think you'll agree that not only did those 5 months fly by, but that we all want more... More laughs, more surprises, and more political satire and education. We want to make more, especially with the election drawing near, so help us keep the "Class of 2022" alive by pitching in to fund more episodes of "Please Explain"! Please note, One Nation cannot accept foreign donations.
Click here for the previous click
Keeping Lake Conjola coastal zones vibrant and healthy - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Relese
25 March 2022
Shoalhaven City Council is preparing a Coastal Management Program (CMP) for Lake Conjola, helping Council identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address future risks.
The Lake Conjola CMP will take into account historic events, current conditions, and future trends including population growth, environmental conditions, and climate change. It will also address coastal hazards, preserving habitats, sustainability, recreational facilities and resilience.
The biggest challenges faced by Lake Conjola are water quality issues arising from storm, tide, sea-levelk rise and rainfall. Flooding impacts also need to be assessed through management of the entrance to Lake Conjola. Other possible coastal management actions include land-based actions that reduce potential risks with consideration of economic, cultural and social factors.
The aim of the CMP is to develop a strategic and integrated course of action for management of the coastal zone.
Council welcomes you to join us at the following community workshops, to help us by provide input and feedback for the actions and issues concerning Lake Conjola:
Date: Tuesday 5 April
Where: Ulladulla Civic Centre
Time: 4:30-6pm (workshop registration essential), and drop-in session 6:30-7:30pm (registration not required)
Lake Conjola
Date: Wednesday 6 April
Where: Lake Conjola Community Hall
Time: 4:30-6pm (workshop registration essential), and drop-in session 6:30-7:30pm (registration not required)
Register for workshop now: https://getinvolved.
Friday, March 11, 2022
Community Profile Shoalhaven City Council - id. Informed Decisions
The Census usual resident population of Shoalhaven City in 2016 was 99,650, living in 54,520 dwellings with an average household size of 2.31.
There are a number of different ways of measuring the population of an area, all of which give an insight into the size of the place and its rate of growth over different time periods. The Census counts people where they are on the night of the Census (enumerated population) and also by where they usually live (usual residence). Both these populations are useful and form the basis for a range of characteristics collected in the Census.
However, the most accurate count of the total population is Estimated Resident Population, which factors in an estimate of those missed in the Census and those who were overseas on Census night. It is usually higher than either Census count, and is also updated annually after the Census, providing preliminary estimates for up to 5 years.
This page provides the three population counts for Shoalhaven City at the last Census, with comparisons to previous Census years for the Census counts only. The current estimate for Shoalhaven City at the most recent year available is shown at the top of the page. This figure is a preliminary estimate only and is subject to review after the next Census data are released. Please use with caution.
Also included are a range of sub-population groups and key statistics from the Census (usual resident) population, such as citizens, employed persons and Indigenous population.
These figures all provide the context for the size of the population and growth rate within Shoalhaven City and should be looked at in conjunction with other basic demographic information, such as Age Structure, Dwelling Type and Household Size.
The data on this page are sourced from a variety of different tables and designed to give a range of population and dwelling numbers for the area.
Land area
square km
Forest Road, Comberton Remains Closed - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Statement
11 March 2022
Forest Road, Comberton will remain closed between the Princes Highway and Callala Beach Road until Monday morning 28th March 2022 (weather pending) due to safety concerns for motorists.
Traffic will be diverted onto Coonemia Road via Greenwell Point Road to Kalandar Street. Motorists travelling from Callala Beach, Callala Bay and Currarong are advised to expect delays and plan their journey ahead of time as the detour route is under construction.
Severe weather conditions from the recent east coast low have resulted in disruptions to our road network. We are asking motorists to be patient while the extent of damage is being assessed and to please, drive cautiously and to the conditions.
For the latest information on road closures, visit the Local Live Traffic Map.
Read more about Shoalhaven Essential Road Works.
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Shoalhaven Essential Road Works - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release
10 March 2022
Severe weather conditions from the current east coast low have resulted in some disruptions to our Shoalhaven road network.
Shoalhaven City Council crews are continuing to undertake emergency works where possible however the damage in some locations is extensive and repairs could take days.
Where possible and safe, Council crews are inspecting the roads that are accessible to determine the extent of damage and the appropriate emergency treatment.
Shoalhaven City Council Mayor, Amanda Findley said, "we are doing our best to keep up with the need for essential road works. Being mindful that whilst the rain is still with us road conditions will continue to deteriorate.”
“Repairs are being prioritised according to safety and the need to provide emergency access as widely as possible.”
“We are asking motorists to be patient while the extent of damage is being assessed and please, drive cautiously and to the conditions.” Mayor Findley said.
Motorists are reminded not to drive through floodwater, always follow the directions of emergency services and take extreme care as conditions are changing quickly.
In these severe weather conditions essential travel only is recommended for the safety of Council Staff and emergency personnel.
If travel is necessary, check Council’s Road Closures and Local Live Traffic web pages and drive to the current conditions. And remember, it is illegal to pass through a road closed sign and penalties will apply.
For more information on traffic conditions, visit the NSW live traffic map at: https://www.livetraffic.
For emergency assistance due to flash flooding and storm damage, call NSW SES on 132 500. For life-threatening emergencies including rescue, call 000.
Do not drive, ride, or walk-through
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Advantages of a Buyers Agent: PInnacle Buyers Agents
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Lifeline South Coast Update
We are reaching out to you in response to devastating floods impacting Queensland and parts of New South Wales.
We are mindful people in our community are feeling worried or distressed during this challenging time. Please know that we are here to listen. Lifeline South Coast has a range of free services that are available to you.
Our trained Crisis Supporters are ready and waiting day and night to listen without judgement, chat about your needs, worries and feelings and work with you to explore the best ways to stay safe and get support in your community.
Available support:
- Crisis Support - If you are feeling overwhelmed, we encourage you to connect with Lifeline in the way you feel most comfortable, whether that be on 13 11 14, or via text on 0477 131 114 both available 24/7.
- Financial counselling - Lifeline South Coast offers a free financial counselling service for people of the South Coast. As people recover from disasters like floods or damaging storms, advice and support from a financial counsellor can make a significant difference.
Make a free appointment >
- Toolkits - Lifeline South Coast also has a range of free toolkits to provide you with practical information and assistance during challenging times. Anyone can browse, print or and download them here.
If you have been impacted by the recent floods across NSW and need further information about how to access assistance, please click here.
We are reaching out to you in response to devastating floods impacting Queensland and parts of New South Wales.
We are mindful people in our community are feeling worried or distressed during this challenging time. Please know that we are here to listen. Lifeline South Coast has a range of free services that are available to you.
Our trained Crisis Supporters are ready and waiting day and night to listen without judgement, chat about your needs, worries and feelings and work with you to explore the best way
- Crisis Support - If you are feeling overwhelmed, we encourage you to connect with Lifeline in the way you feel most comfortable, whether that be on 13 11 14, or via text on 0477 131 114 both available 24/7.
- Financial counselling - Lifeline South Coast offers a free financial counselling service for people of the South Coast. As people recover from disasters like floods or damaging storms, advice and support from a financial counsellor can make a significant difference.
Make a free appointment >
- Toolkits - Lifeline South Coast also has a range of free toolkits to provide you with practical information and assistance during challenging times. Anyone can browse, print or and download them here.
If you have been impacted by the recent floods across NSW and need further information about how to access assistance, please click here.
Bandsintown Update
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