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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Losses reported to Scamwatch exceed $211 million, phone scams exploding - ACCC SCAMWATCH


Australian Competition & Consumer Commission ScamwatchScamwatch radar alert - top banner

Scamwatch is urging people to be extra vigilant about scams after Australians reported a record $211 million in losses to scams so far this year, an 89 per cent increase compared to the same period last year, according to new data from Scamwatch.

The losses, reported between 1 January and 19 September, have already surpassed the $175.6 million reported to Scamwatch across all of last year.

“It’s very concerning to see these scams evolving and becoming more sophisticated to steal even more money from unsuspecting people,” ACCC Deputy Chair Delia Rickard said.

“While the proportion of reports involving a financial loss has dropped this year, the people who do lose money are losing bigger amounts. The average loss so far this year is about $11,000 compared to $7,000 for the same period in 2020.”

Many of these losses are from phone based scams, which accounted for over $63.6 million (31 per cent) of the losses. Additionally, of the 213,000 reports that Scamwatch received so far this year, 113,000 were about phone scams.

Scammers call or text people and claim to be from well-known businesses or government to steal people’s personal information.

“Scammers are pretending to be from companies such as Amazon or eBay and claiming large purchases have been made on the victim’s credit card. When they pretend to help you process a refund, they actually gain remote access to your computer and steal your personal and banking details,” Ms Rickard said.

“In August, the new Flubot malware scams masquerading as fake voicemail and parcel delivery scams exploded, which have resulted in more than 13,000 reports in just eight weeks.”

“These scams are particularly concerning in our current climate, as many people are turning to online shopping because of the COVID-19 lockdowns,” Ms Rickard said.

Scamwatch has noticed a significant increase in losses to phishing scams (261 per cent), remote access scams (144 per cent) and identity theft (234 per cent). As explained in August’s media release, losses to investment scams have also risen dramatically (172 per cent) in 2021.

“The rise in identity theft related scams is particularly concerning as scammers can use the personal information they obtain for use in other crimes,” Ms Rickard said.

“If you see a scam, please report it to Scamwatch, even if you haven’t lost any money. These reports are extremely important to us as they provide key information about any emerging scams or trends.”

Information from these reports allows Scamwatch to work with a number of private and public organisations including government agencies and law enforcement to help disrupt scams and provide the best possible advice about how people can protect themselves.

For example, the ACCC has been sharing alleged scammer phone numbers with telecommunications providers for investigation and potential blocking, and has been working with the banks to raise awareness with their customers who may have been compromised by Flubot.

“Scammers are conning people out of more and more money, so it’s really important that everyone knows what to look out for and how to protect themselves,” Ms Rickard said.

“Remember, you never know who you are dealing with online. Scammers often pretend to be from a well-known organisation, such as a bank or the government, and they will pretend to offer you something such as money or a benefit, or claim that you are in trouble.”

“Do not click on any links in messages that come to you out of the blue, and never provide any of your personal or banking details to someone you don’t personally know and trust,” Ms Rickard said.

“If you think something might be legitimate, call the organisation or government agency back using details you find in an independent search, rather than the details provided.”

Anyone who has provided their banking details to a scammer should contact their bank or financial institution as soon as possible.

People who suspect they may be a victim of identity theft should contact IDCARE on 1800 595 160 or via www.idcare.org. IDCARE is a free government-funded service that works with individuals to develop a specific response plan to their situation and support them throughout the process.

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Friday, September 24, 2021

The More Things Change - Story Factory

The More Things Change

If there's one thing we've all learned in the last 18 months, it's that change is a constant.

That's why we're offering stability in our writing workshops. Stability for teachers - to know what's on offer and when they can access our digital resources; and for students to know we're there for them. The magic of storytelling is that no matter your circumstances we can all write as a way to process the world around us, learn and have fun.

It's school holidays and next week we're running our one-off holiday workshops for eligible students, all bookable through our website.

If you're a teacher in a NSW public school and would like to talk about how our resources can support you in Term 4 - please get in touch with us today at info@storyfactory.org.au


Story Factory
We're all working and learning from home right now, like our storyteller Russ with his fancy laptop stand and unerring ability to find his light, wherever he is. Image by Jacquie Manning.

Online Learning in Term 4

In Term 4 we're offering a range of fun and engaging writing workshops to eligible partner schools.

Any public school in Western Sydney or regional NSW can participate in three-week workshop series, as well as special one-off workshops. With options for primary school and high school, as well as a range of themes, we're able to work with schools to find programs that best fit their needs.

If you're a teacher in a school serving under-resourced communities, you can read all the options available and get in touch through the link below.


Holiday Workshops

These school holidays kids can join us for online, one-off writing workshops. With options for both high school and primary school students, these are the perfect way to get kids writing.

Our workshops are created for kids in under-resourced communities who may face extra challenges with access. If you know a young person matching that description who may enjoy writing their own story, please let them know!


Peek Inside a Workshop

Teaching creative writing online has its own challenges and joys, and we wanted to share a little of the joy with you and offer a glimpse inside an online workshop.

Recently we taught an energetic group of primary school students for the first time. We were thrilled to welcome a large group as many kids have struggled to get online at all. The students dialled in from a range of locations including the kitchen table, their rooms and backyards. Some Year 2 students were even jumping on a trampoline throughout the class, or hanging off monkey bars at the park, all while still coming up with terrific creative ideas - impressive! 

One student took his notebook to the park and wrote an excellent story plan about his cat. Another 7 year-old requested a private conversation with our storyteller to let her know that his brother 'sucks',  before the brother joined the conversation to say hi! Many Year 3 students were so excited to be involved our storytellers explained we needed to mute them unless they needed to add something to the discussion. They all promptly unmuted themselves to shout 'OKAY!'

Over 90% of these students completed a poem or story plan as part of this workshop - a huge achievement! They're all from heavily locked-down areas of Sydney, and we're so proud of their enthusiasm, resilience and achievements.


Our New Website

You may have noticed our website is looking a little different. We've been working hard behind the scenes to turn our website into a publishing powerhouse for our students, and include more information about our programs and how schools across NSW can take part each term.

We hope you enjoy looking through it!

Student Writing

We're all doing our living, working, relaxation and socialising from home right now, so this short poem by Denzel, a student in a recent Instapoetry online workshop, seemed perfect to share.

What's better than garlic and onions?!


But Wait, There's More...

  • The ABC's Caroline Jones Scholarship aims to provide an opportunity for a passionate and talented Indigenous person who is aspiring to be a journalist. The successful candidate will be able to explore the art of multi-platform storytelling for ABC news and current affairs programs. For more information, visit the ABC website.


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Shoalhaven Regional Gallery has been nominated in four categories in this year’s 2021 IMAGinE Awards - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release


Shoalhaven City Council Media Release

24 September 2021

The IMAGinE awards are an initiative of Museums & Galleries of NSW, developed with support from Australian Museums and Galleries Association NSW and Regional and Public Galleries of NSW. 

This year Shoalhaven City Council’s Regional Art Gallery has been named a finalist in the following categories: 

·        Exhibition projects: galleries with 4 or less paid staff for the exhibitions the TERRA within and Wonder + Dread: Art in the land of weather extremes 

·        Engagement programs with 3 –10 paid staff: Art Detectives programs  

Warwick Keen was also nominated and is a finalist in the ACHAA Award for Excellence by an Aboriginal Curator, for his work as Curator of the TERRA within exhibition.  

The Art Detectives Program is part of a learning program for preschool and primary school students. As Art Detectives they are encouraged to engage in close looking at artworks and become familiar with the language used to describe artwork and art techniques.   

The WONDER + DREAD exhibition explored artistic responses to extreme weather events in Australia over more than 200 years. Two commissioned works were displayed alongside significant works borrowed from galleries, organisations and private collections of note, resulting in a calibre of art experience not previously experienced in the Shoalhaven. 

The TERRA within exhibition was planned to coincide with the 250th Anniversary of Cook’s charting of the east coast of Australia. With over 30 Indigenous artists included in the exhibition, many voices were heard in this truth-telling project, offering all viewers an opportunity to reflect on Australia’s hidden history. 

Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley was delighted to receive the news of the nominations. 

“Once again the efforts of our staff at the Shoalhaven Regional Art Gallery is being recognised, they work incredibly hard to bring outstanding exhibitions and programs to the region”, Clr Findley said.  

“Over the last year Shoalhaven residents and visitors have been treated to a number of outstanding exhibitions and programs at the Regional Gallery, including a major exhibition, the TERRA within, which explored the themes impact and survival in relation to the 250th Anniversary of Cook’s voyage to the east coast of Australia, featuring powerful artworks by more than 30 Indigenous artists”, Clr Findley said.  

“Whilst the Shoalhaven Regional Art Gallery is closed to the public due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we are hopeful that it won’t be too long before we can welcome visitors once again”, Clr Findley said.  

The Awards Ceremony will be held virtually on Thursday, 25 November 2021.  

For more information about the Awards visit the Museums & Galleries of NSW website: https://mgnsw.org.au/sector/support/imagine/imagine-awards-faq/.  

For more information on the Shoalhaven Regional Art Gallery visit their website: https://shoalhavenregionalgallery.com.au/.  

Click here for the previous post

NSW Resilience Disaster Dashboard for the Shoalhaven - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release


Shoalhaven City Council Media Release

24 September 2021

Residents and visitors to Shoalhaven will now be able to access timely and authoritative information on local conditions with the launch of NSW Resilience Disaster Dashboard of the Shoalhaven.  

Shoalhaven City Council has made the new Disaster Dashboard available from its website. 

The Disaster Dashboard provides information on COVID-19 case numbers (last 30 days), fire and flood incidents, SES NSW advice, road conditions and power outages to name a few.  

Members of the community can access the disaster dashboard anytime of the day using their mobile, tablet or desktop device.  

Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley said this new source of central information will provide the Shoalhaven community with a reliable and authoritative source of situational awareness and timely information to help them assess, think, decide and act during business as usual through to potential emergency situations as they begin to unfold.  

"The Shoalhaven has seen its fair share of natural disasters over the past couple of years whether it be bushfires, floods or COVID-19. It’s clear our community needs access to timely information in order to better respond during a time of crisis”, Clr Findley said.  

“Council is pleased to launch the new disaster dashboard to the community. The dashboard uses state-of-the-art technology to collate and display live information from multiple combat agencies such as Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Services and NSW Health”, Clr Findley said.  

“During a natural disaster time is precious and having one place to go to find the latest information in your local area is critical to making informed decisions about how to prepare and protect yourself and your loved ones”, Clr Findley said.  

To view the Shoalhaven City Council Disaster Dashboard visit: https://shoalhaven.disasterdashboards.com/dashboard/overview.  

Friday, September 10, 2021

NSW POLICE VIDEO SONG ' someBODY' - Shared from Robert Meade Facebook Page

I shared this post from my friend Robert Meade. It was sung last year but beneficial to this year. Well done to the NSW Police!

This video was made last year but it is still practical and relevant today in relation to COVID-19 current situations we are living in.

Click here for The Musical Video from the NSW Police

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Survey for more Regional Doctors - Federal Member for Gilmore - Fiona Phillips


Our local GPs and health workers do an amazing job but we need to support them more. The Gilmore electorate has been battling a critical lack of GPs for far too long, resulting in the closure of some practices, a blowout in waiting times to see a GP and many practices closing their books to new patients.

For your information, this shortage of general practitioners, has actually become the subject of a Senate Inquiry. The Morrison Government was not interested in voting for this inquiry. However, I am pleased to say that Labor, along with several crossbench Senators, have successfully established this inquiry.  

We need practical, positive solutions to make sure Australians have access to quality health care regardless of where they live. Under the Morrison Government’s current system, most of the NSW South Coast is classified as a “non-Distribution Priority Area” (DPA), which is why it’s difficult for local practices to access GPs.

The Senate Inquiry will specifically examine reforms made to the DPA classification system and GP training.

At a time when our community is in lockdown, it’s more important than ever to have access to GPs - which is why this inquiry is so important.

I am making a submission to the inquiry on our community's behalf. You can help by sharing your story about how GP shortages have impacted you and your family by completing my survey by clicking HERE.

You can also make your own submission to the inquiry by clicking HERE.

I recently spoke in Parliament about the urgent need for more GPs in our community, you can watch my speech 
HERE. I have also met with local GPs to discuss these issues and have raised these concerns directly with the Minister for Health, the Minister for Regional Health, the Shadow Health Minister and the NSW Rural Doctors Network.

Pictured with Annette Pham and team members from the Shoalhaven Family Medical Centre, Worrigee

Yours sincerely

Fiona Phillips MP
Member for Gilmore

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Excellent Information of the effectiveness of Vaccines in USA - Raul Arregui Twitter Page


This is an excellent informative video about the effectiveness of vaccines from the USA, very current. Please watch it and pass it around. Even after vaccinated, we still need to keep COVID protocols (eg masks, soc distancing, etc) youtube.com/watch?v=vCCGP6

NSW Government Raises Land Tax Rates 2024-5 and Freezes Thresholds until 2027 - disinvestment to Investors

The NSW Government must be finding it difficult to manage the  NSW State Budget, they have raised the Land tax Rates by a massive 1% from 4 ...