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Friday, June 18, 2021

NSW Government's Proposal for Milton Ulladulla Road Bypass

Well, being new in the South Coast area, I have noticed all the towns north of Bomaderry - have got Bypasses away from the inland and seaside towns. The Pro's and con's of Bypasses could be debated for hours on end.

Personally, this is supposed to provide an easier and quicker flow of traffic in the areas of Milton and Ulladulla, whilst travelling on both sides of the Princess Highway.  Although in the towns North of Bomaderry, they tend to get traffic to and from their towns as they provide historical places and/or interesting places for anyone to visit.

By providing the Bypass, it may reduce the business economic returns for the area, with less traffic flowing into the towns. What the community of these towns need to do once a Bypass is in place is entice people passing by to stop and pay a visit, using and promoting the historical and local beauty of its areas. This is so that further vital funds could be injected into those local business communities.

Now, on the other hand, as a former public transport advocate in Western Sydney, I would strongly look at a dramatic improvement with local public transport bus timetables. As when I have travelled on the buses around the area, there are a handful of commuters using the services. 

The Reasons behind this is the 'everyone wants a car' factor because there are virtually little or no services available to promote the use of public transport. The trains stop at Bomaderry and I've heard from a young lady today, that it is better for her to travel to Wollongong University campus in Wollongong from Bomaderry, rather than using bus service to the campus to in Shoalhaven. This is also supported with the 'Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Awareness Network' offering taxi vouchers to the young and needy, needing travel access across the Shoalhaven River.

On that point, why we expanding with a new bridge across the Shoalhaven River to cover excessive and increasing rotor vehicle traffic, when the Iron bridge that caters for this traffic could be converted to carry passenger and industrial Rail. Yes, that's right extend the Railway line from Bomaderry to a dual carriageway travelling alongside the Shoalhaven River to Nowra and Stopping at South Nowra. 

By providing rail services extended into Nowra and South Nowra, would definitely be a positive step to help our youth, who need to get to work from Bomaderry to Nowra or South Nowra or who need to study and complete their tertiary education at Uni Wollongong, Shoalhaven Campus.

click here for the NSW Government Bypas  proposal video

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