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Monday, April 12, 2021

Plaque to Commemorate Currowan Bushfire - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release


Shoalhaven City Council Media Release

12 April 2021

Shoalhaven City Council today unveiled a plaque to acknowledge those who helped during the Currowan Bushfires and in the recovery to resilience efforts since. 

Located on a memorial rock located in front of Council's Nowra Administration Building the plaque provides an important reminder of the impact of the bushfires on the Shoalhaven community over the 2019/20 summer and the recovery to resilience efforts that continue today. 

Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley thanked all involved for their courage and compassion.  

“We have seen and continue to see extraordinary compassion and kindness shown to our community. This memorial enables our community to show their respect and gratitude to those who died or were affected while protecting our community and environment. It is fitting that their sacrifice will be remembered always,” Clr Findley said.  

“The memorial also acknowledges those involved in the recovery to resilience efforts that continue today. Recovery takes time and is different for everyone. We are all affected by disasters in our own personal way.  

“The new growth on the tree in the design on the plaque and commemorative pin speaks of this important recovery to resilience phase for our community.  

"The image of the cockatoo has been chosen as black cockatoos are unique to our area and Glossy Black Cockatoos are endangered. The cockatoo also carries a message of hope as cockatoos hold significant meaning for the indigenous community, symbolising spirit strengthening, change and herald the coming of rain. The colours of the Glossy Black Cockatoos’ feathers also represent the colours of the Aboriginal flag,” said Clr Findley.    

If you need help and support, there is a range of assistance available for you, even if it just someone to listen. Council is working collaboratively with Federal and State Government and agencies, the Shoalhaven Health & Wellbeing Network, not-for-profit organisations, charities and many others to deliver this assistance. 

Council's team is here to support our community. If you have been affected, there are a range of assistance measures available to support you. The recovery journey can be a complex one with many challenges.  

You can speak with Council’s Bushfire Recovery Outreach team by calling its dedicated helpline 4429 5888 Monday to Friday during 9.00am - 5.00pm. The team are here to support you on every step of your recovery journey either within Council or by connecting you with the right community or government support.  

You can speak with Bushfire Recovery Outreach team in person at the Shoalhaven Recovery Hub located at the Ulladulla Civic Centre. The team are available on Thursdays and Fridays between 10.30am and 4.00pm and on Saturdays between 10.00am and 1.00pm. 

Currowan Fire Commemorative Plaque

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