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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

In Your Neighbourhood - This Week - Shoalhaven City Council


Photo of artist Sam Hall painting the bright coloured bird mural on the toilet block at Culburra Beach.

Mural's meaningful message

The amenities building at East Crescent, Culburra Beach now features a feathery new look thanks to a partnership between Shoalhaven City Council, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Lake Wollumboola Protection Association and Birdlife Shoalhaven. The organisations have united to highlight the importance of local migratory, nesting and water birds of the area.

Read the full article to learn more about the project.

Photo of Shoalhaven Heads jetty at sunset. Calm water and a pink sky.

Shoalhaven Heads Master Plan review

The Shoalhaven Heads Landscape Master Plan was developed in June 2014 in consultation with the community.

Given the age of the Master Plan, many projects have since been completed, or the priorities in the community may have changed, and therefore a review is warranted.

In order to review and update the current document, we are seeking feedback on the current Master Plan to identify the community's priorities for future projects. Consultation closes 20 November 2020.

Photo of a roundabout sign - an upside down triangle with a red border and three arrows curving together to make a circle.

Have your say: Proposed roundabout at Mollymook

The proposed roundabout at the intersection of Tallwood Avenue and Bannister Head Road has been approved for funding under the Federal and State Government Stimulus Commitment, which requires the project to be undertaken this financial year.

Consultation took place in November 2019, with the feedback received informing the current designs. View the plans and have your say by taking our roundabout survey, until Friday 20 November 2020.

GIF to promote nominations for Shoalhaven Australia Day awards for 2021.
Photo of dense and lush bushland, with the sun shining through from behind the trees.

Crown Lands Plan of Management review

We are currently in the process of revising three Plans of Management as a result of the legislation changes to the Crown Management Act 2016.

We are seeking feedback on how you value relevant crown land in Shoalhaven, any issues or challenges experienced or identified, as well as what you would like to see as the future direction for the specified categories of land in the Shoalhaven.

You can have your say on the Plans of Management until 5pm 13 November. Visit our Crown Lands Plan of Management project page.

Graphic of a poster for the bushfire recovery afternoon.

Recovery afternoon sessions

Come along for a chat and receive recovery advice from a number of community service providers.

  • Thursday 5, 3-6pm at Bawley Point RFS Station
  • Thursday 12, 2-5pm at Milton RFS Station
  • Thursday 19, 3-6pm at Lake Conjola Community Centre
  • Friday 27, 2-5pm at Bendalong-Manyana RFS Station

For additional information, contact our Bushfire Helpline on 4429 5888.

Photo of an empty country road, lined with trees.

L'Etape scheduled tree works

Council crews are undertaking works in stages between October 2020 and March 2021 to prepare for the prestigious L’Étape Cycling event. 

The L’Étape Cycling event will be held on 19-22 March 2021 with part of the route crossing through the Shoalhaven region.

Tree management works will commence 23 October 2020 and are expected to be completed by 18 December 2020.

Residents on Cambewarra Lookout Road, Tourist Road, and Kangaroo Valley Road are advised to travel before 7am or after 5pm, to and from their residence on the  scheduled Tree Work days in November.

Photo taken underwater of a swimmer diving into the pool

Swimming season is underway

All Village Pools have now reopened and are welcoming visitors.

Open hours are:

Monday to Friday: 7-11 am & 2-6 pm Saturdays & Sundays: 10am - 5pm

Please be mindful that we need your help to ensure we remain open and COVID-Safe this swimming season.

  • SWIM & GO!
  • Keep a towel length apart (1.5m)
  • Regularly wash or sanitise your hands
  • Avoid unnecessary mingling
  • Minimise use of communal facilities
  • Stay home if you feel unwell
Waste warrior wombat standing in a laundry in front of a washing machine and holding washing powder box.

Recycling in the laundry

There’s no need to get into a spin over recycling 🌀

Wombat shows you that most of your laundry items are the simplest to recycle. Getting recycling right goes a long way to keeping our environment clean.

Answers to what goes in your yellow bin are in our UPDATED guide, available on our waste page.

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