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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Public Exhibition of Planning Proposal for Hitchcocks Lane, Berry _ Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release


Shoalhaven City Council Media Release

28 October 2020

Shoalhaven City Council is seeking community feedback on a proposal to rezone land south of Hitchcocks Lane in Berry to permit new housing development.

The land is on the western side of the Princes Highway, south of Hitchcocks Lane, adjacent to the Huntingdale Park residential estate. The proposal is now open for public comment with submissions accepted until 8 January 2021.

The Planning Proposal seeks to rezone approximately 11 hectares of rural land to the R2 Low Density Residential zone. The land is identified as a potential residential growth area in the Shoalhaven Growth Management Strategy (GMS) 2014.

The proposed changes to the local environmental plan (LEP) would allow subdivision of the land into up to approximately 150 new housing lots ranging in size from 700 m2 to 350 m2. Allowing for a limited amount of smaller lots is intended to encourage smaller homes to provide more housing choices and opportunities for the local community.

Shoalhaven Mayor Amanda Findley said, “Berry is a very popular place to visit and to move to, and state and local strategic plans identify this land as a potential location for housing growth. We also know the local community wants to protect the character qualities that make Berry such an attractive place.”

The proposed R2 Low Density Residential zone allows for mostly detached single houses. Providing a mix of lots sizes encourages housing variety, including two, three and four-bedroom homes to cater for a wide range of household needs and aspirations.

Council is also seeking feedback on a draft development control plan (DCP) that will support the proposed LEP changes and promote high quality design outcomes. The draft DCP focuses on promoting development that is compatible with Berry’s local character while also protecting the distinctive landscape views of the area.

The draft planning controls include the provision of landscape screening on the southern and eastern edges of the land, while also increasing landscaping opportunities within the future subdivision.

“The proposals are at a point where the Berry community can have their say on them before they are finalised and enable more detailed future residential subdivision applications.  Any feedback received will be considered by Council as part of the finalisation of the Planning Proposal and DCP,” said Clr Findley.

The proposal is open for comment via Council’s website getinvolved.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/projects/hitchcocks-lane.

View looking east from Lineal Park in Huntingdale Park Estate. Land proposed to be rezoned in background.

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