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Thursday, September 17, 2020

In your neighbourhoos - This Week - Shoalhaven City Council


Video of Shoalhaven RFS EOC

Explore the Integrated Emergency Management Centre 

Take a guided walk through the Integrated Emergency Management Centre with RFS personnel by watching the video. 

Council together with Shoalhaven RFS  is encouraging families, friends and neighbours to use the NSW RFS Get Ready Weekend (19-20 September) to prepare for bushfire season and start a broader conversation about being aware of and prepared for all hazards.

You can Get Ready now, by following the five steps. Find the steps, and further support on our Get Ready resource page or jump onto the NSW RFS Sholhaven Facebook page

Mayor Amanda Findley with Veolia Mulwaree Trust Representative

Liberty Swing at Plantation Point 

Veolia Mulwaree Trustee, Henry Gundry visited the Shoalhaven this week to present a cheque for $21,000 to Sholahaven City Council's Mayor Amanda Findley.  

Veolia's donation will fund the installation of a Liberty Swing as part of Council’s new inclusive playground development at Plantation Point Reserve, Vincentia.  

Construction is scheduled to begin in October. 

Draft concept design for Livvi's Place at Marriott Park

Have your say: Livvi's Place at Marriott Park 

Council has created a Master Plan for Marriott Park in the Nowra CBD.  

A component of the Master Plan is the creation of the Variety Livvi's Place inclusive playspace. 

You can have your say on the Draft Concept Plan - Variety Livvi's Place Marriott Park by taking part in an online survey. 

Survey closes on Friday, 25 September. 

Mature male driving car

Have your say:
Driving in senior years 

The University of Wollongong is working in collaboration with key stakeholders to understand how we can support senior drivers with decisions about maintaining, restricting or retiring from driving. 

We are inviting family members of senior drivers or retired drivers to provide their views and experiences on this topic through an online survey. 

Take part in the online survey to have your say.

Blaze aid volunteers

Blaze Aid mends fences and lifts spirits

Council acknowledges the volunteer efforts, coordinated by Blaze Aid, to help the Shoalhaven recover and rebuild following the January bushfires.

Volunteer-based organisation BlazeAid has been working with rural property owners across the Shoalhaven to rebuild fences that have been damaged or destroyed by fire and flood. 

View Council's Blaze Aid Report for a snapshot of their efforts over the past six-months.

Mature female with carer

National Dementia Australia Helpline

In 2020, there are an estimated 459,000 Australians living with dementia.

Without a medical breakthrough, the number of people with dementia is expected to increase to nearly 1.1 million by 2058.

The National Dementia Helpline is a free, federally funded service available to those living with dementia, or family, friends and carers of people living with dementia. 

Picture of light globe with money

Save energy and reduce your bills

Endeavour Energy's PowerSavers intatitive, AtHomeSaver can help customers who have difficulty managing their electricity bills. The program can help you:

  • learn simple tips to reduce your energy use at home
  • save money on your bills
  • help reduce your carbon footprint. 

Download the the PowerSavers mobile app to take part in the program.

Video of Recycling

Feed yourself, not your bin

Food makes up around 30% of landfill waste and much of it can be avoided. 

Planning your meals and how much food you purchase, plus organising your fridge and pantry, are simple steps to help prevent your food from perishing before you get to consume it.

Reducing your food waste benefits the environment and your wallet. Find out how you can use six steps to reduce food waste at home. 

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