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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Blacktown City Council - Changes to Council's Services - Council Acknowledges Climate Energy

Mayor Blacktown CityBlacktown City Council

- Mayor's Message - Councilor Tony Bleasedale
Take action - take care
As we continue along this difficult COVID-19 journey I 

can assure you that your Council is with our community 

every step of the way.

It has not been an easy decision to close our venues, 

community centres, leisure centres, swimming pools 

and libraries, but we have taken these decisions in 

accordance with Government actions and the best 

possible health and safety advice.

We have taken all our decisions relating to our 

childcare (KEL) centres based on Government policy 

and advice as it applies to public schools, and will 

continue to follow their advice.

We will keep you informed through our website,

Council’s Facebook and regular video updates on 

my Facebook page. 

At this time, we all need to take action. We all need 

take social distancing and personal hygiene extremely 

seriously – these are our greatest weapons and 

personal responsibilities in this fight.

Personally, I know it’s painful, but we are strongly 

advised to keep younger members of your family away 

from their grandparents.

I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to our 

community. To the teachers and childcare workers who 

spend hours preparing lessons for both online and face-

to-face teaching and then have to keep the kids apart.

To our health workers who are facing a massive 

increase in their workloads at the frontline of the 

infection and to our supermarket and pharmacy staff 

who are doing their best to keep the shelves stocked 

often under stress and abuse.

To our volunteers working in all areas of community 

support and community welfare we say a very big thank 

you and of course, we reach out to all the workers and 

businesses who are having to deal with job losses and 

uncertainties; Council will do all it can to help.

But can I once again say please stop panic buying. 

Every time you buy more than you need – someone in 

need misses out.

COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) - changes to Council's services

COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) - changes to Council's services
Some changes are required to our venues and facilities


Blacktown Customer Information Centre

Council’s Administration Centre will be closed to the 

public from Thursday 26 March 2020 until further notice 

and we have ceased all face-to-face customer service 

including the Development Services Gateway counter.

With both gateway and customer service counters 

closed, applications for the Development Assessment 

teams are required to be submitted via email or by 

posting a USB drive in the mail.

To make an enquiry with our customer service staff:
If it is essential that you visit Council’s Administration 

Centre, you can make an appointment by calling 

9839 6000 or email council@blacktown.nsw.gov.au.

Appointments should only be made when a person is 

not showing any symptoms of cold or flu and social 

distancing measures will be in place to protect both 

yourself and our customer service staff.

Council’s community halls and facilities

Effective from Thursday 26 March 2020, all community 

and senior citizen centres will be closed.

Council events

All community events and activities organised and 

hosted by Council are cancelled until 30 June 2020. 

The cancellations support the Australian Government’s 

advice to limit organised gatherings.

Leisure and swimming centres

Council has made the decision to close its 5 leisure and 

swimming centres (including gyms) from Tuesday 24 

March 2020. 

Leo Kelly Blacktown Arts Centre

The Arts Centre will be closed to the public until further 

notice, but will remain open to artists and creative 


Blacktown City Libraries

All Blacktown City Libraries branches and services 

were closed to the public from Tuesday 24 March 2020 

until further notice. Our library staff will be available 

over the phone on 9839 6677 to answer any queries 

and provide support.

We also have a fantastic range of online resources 

including e-books, e-audiobooks and e-magazines, 

which you can access for free as part of your library 

membership here

Closure of Blacktown Plant Nursery

Effective from Thursday 26 March 2020, the Blacktown 

Plant Nursery is closed to customers until further notice.

Blacktown Animal Holding Facility (AHF)

The Animal Holding Facility will temporarily operate via 

appointment only. Customers should call 9839 6161 to 

make an appointment.

Kid’s Early Learning

All centres remain open. This situation may be 

reviewed based on the advice from the Australian and 

NSW Governments.

Council’s sporting fields

We are concerned that team sports have continued to 

occur on Council sporting fields, and therefore have 

made the decision to close all sporting fields and courts 

(including tennis courts) from Thursday 26 March 2020.

We hope this will help reinforce the practice of social 

distancing, consistent with all other current measures.

Council’s playgrounds, parks and reserves

Playgrounds, parks and reserves will stay open and we 

encourage residents to stay active, however, when 

using these spaces please me mindful that:
  • we are unable to keep playground equipment clean to the standard required by COVID-19 protocols
  • team sports and activities should not be conducted – they are directly contrary to social separation guidelines
Please ensure you maintain the recommended social 

distancing of 2 m and to not gather in large groups. We 

would also like to stress the importance of practicing 

good personal hygiene to prevent the spread of germs.

Council elections

The NSW Government has postponed the NSW council 

elections until September 2021 due to the current 

COVID-19 situation.

We ask our residents for their patience with our staff 

during this difficult time as we continue to provide 

essential services with minimal disruption.

If you are feeling unwell, or you have any cold or flu 

symptoms, please take the necessary measures to 

self-isolate to prevent the spread of the virus until 

your symptoms have passed.

For regular and up-to-date information visit Council’s website. 

Community News

Blacktown City Council acknowledges climate emergency and moves toward
Blacktown City Council acknowledges climate emergency

Blacktown City Council has presented a clear 

statement to the community acknowledging a climate 

emergency and committing to a target of 100% 

renewable electricity for Council operations by 2025.

Blacktown City Mayor, Tony Bleasdale, OAM said; 'The 

science-based evidence is totally clear. We are in a 

state of climate emergency requiring "a call to arms" for 

immediate action by all levels of government, industry 

and our communities'.

'Without urgent action, the urban heat impact on the 

communities of Western Sydney will be catastrophic.'

On Wednesday 26 February, Council voted to adopt a 

series of measures as a response to climate change, 

including an aspirational target of net zero carbon 

emissions for the community by 2040.

'Our primary commitments are to address climate 

change by seeking to reduce emissions in our day-to-

day operations and throughout the community, provide 

refuge from extreme heat for our residents, and ensure

our planning controls and policies reduce urban heat.'

Olympic hopefuls base in Blacktown

"Editor's Notes: We encourage from you (our readers), any comments as feed back to improve  this blogspot or providing important  likes and or recommendations. We also encourage sharing this post to your friends and/or families, spreading this 'post' further into our wonderful world"

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