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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Script Writing Radio Series - New Venture For Me ' Attention Audience Please!'

Well, what a change retirement does to you. Retirement is the  rewarding time off for all the work you have done in the past.

Retirement should be self-rewarding.

What you do with retirement is entirely up to you. Many may not have enough funds to travel. That could be travel overseas, within Australia or even within your own State or Territory. The most important thing to do when you retire, in my books is to keep your body and mind busy. 

Do not become an inactive person or vegetate.

I even suggest doing a small amount of community volunteering will not only help you mentally and physically, helps your community, and overall the Australian economy. 

There is that feeling of self-pride.  I really am proud to say that as a volunteer helping people with the beautification of elderly people's gardens: mowing, weeding, cutting down overgrown bushes, painting driveways and just a simple clean up in the area, is really appreciated.

When I joined up *BBCR last year to try the Men's Shed and the Home Maintenance Program, I was overwhelmed when I met a couple holding hands together during the induction training. It was a beautiful feeling to see this happening in our modern world. I then asked them what they were doing to join *BBCR and they were doing a  radio show series  based on the 1930's '**Quite Please!' by Willis Cooper. They invite to come over and listen to their practice.

So after going to a rehearsal to see if I liked it, I was given a major role for the 3rd Episode ' Clarissa' had other roles on Episodes 4, 5 6, 9 & 10, directed Episode 7 and researched the Sound Effects for Episode 9 & 10.

Now, I'm a process to provide to ***Froth & Bubbles grouip a new radio series that I am currently in the process of script writing. I have competed 7 scripts and more to come through. With script writing there is editing and cutting and adding after doing the original script. If the group like the scripts I present - this will be played later on in the year, as per 'Quiet Please!' series from last year. My Script Writing Series is called 'Attention Audience please!'

Below you will find links to episodes produced at  Bay & Basin 92.7 FM Radio. If you would like to listen to the series direct - details are also below.

Who would like to listen to my Radio Show Series, if  Froth & Bubbles gives the go ahead?

* Bay & Basin Community Resources 
   Click here for website details 

**Quiet Please Series Click here for website details 

***Froth & Bubbles Series Click here for Face Book Page

Click here for 1st Episode ' Adam & the Darkest Day' - 8/10/2019

Click here for 2nd Episode 'Below 5th Avenue' - 15/10/2019

Click here for 3rd Episode 'Clarissa' - 22/10/2019

Click here for 4th Episode 'Whence Came You?' - 29/10/2019

Click here for 5th Episode ' The Pathetic Fallacy' 5/11/2019

Click here for 6th Episode ' A Time To Be Born & A Time To Die' - 29/11/2019

Click here for 7th Episode 'Rain On New Years Eve' - 26/11/2019

Click here for 8th Episode ' The Ticket Taker' - 3/12/2019

Click here for 9th Episode 'Good Ghost' - 10/12/2019

Click here for 10th Episode ' Three' - 17/12/2019

You wish to listen to the podcasts on Bay & Basin 92.7 FM  Radio
Click here for previous post on these details

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