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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Out-of-home care costs and pricing - NSW IPART


Picture of a family on the beach, holding hands at the water's edge


We want your feedback – Consultation Paper

The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is conducting a review of the costs of delivering out-of-home care. We are also reviewing the pricing arrangements with the non-government providers who deliver care under contract with the NSW Government.

We have released a consultation paper seeking feedback on the costs of caring for children and young people in out-of-home care to inform our review.

We would like to hear from providers and workers in the out-of-home care sector, including Aboriginal community-controlled organisations, as well as carers of children and young people. You can provide feedback by making a submission or filling in a quick feedback form until 27 June 2024.

Best Regards,
IPART Out-of-home care costs and pricing review team

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