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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

NSW IPART May 2021 Newsletter


IPART Newsletter >> May

Organising a Funeral in NSW

We’re reviewing costs, competition and pricing in the funeral industry.

Consumers told us they would like more information about how to go about organising a funeral.

We have developed a draft checklist for consumers, and we would like your feedback. Is it helpful? What else should it include? How could we improve it?

To have your say on the draft checklist, click here.

Solar Feed-In Tariffs

There is just over a week to go until submissions close for our review into solar feed-in-tariffs.

This is the amount people with solar panels are paid for any unused electricity they export to the grid. We’ll be setting a guide to what customers are paid.

However, the main benefit of solar panels is that customers can buy less electricity from their retailer when they use the electricity that they generate with their panels. These savings can be around $750 per year.

You can make a submission until May 24 on our website.



How we Regulate Water Businesses

IPART is reviewing the way it regulates water businesses. 

We are reviewing how we set prices and licence conditions for the ‘monopoly’ businesses that we regulate such as Sydney Water and Hunter Water. 

These water businesses are monopoly providers of an essential service that affects millions of NSW households.

Our regulatory framework encourages the water businesses to meet the needs of their customers and the community.

Find our more about the review on our website


Have your Say 

We conduct open public hearings for all of our reviews, which anyone can participate in. Previous public hearings can be viewed on our Youtube channel here.


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