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Monday, March 29, 2021

Roundabout completes first stage of Far North Collector Road Network Project - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release


Shoalhaven City Council Media Release

30 March 2021

Shoalhaven City Council opened the roundabout at Illaroo Road, North Nowra and West Cambewarra Road, Bangalee on 1 March 2021. The roundabout is the first construction stage of the Far North Collector Road Project.

The Far North Collector Road Project is fully funded by the Australian Government and provides an important first stage solution to alleviate the traffic congestion on Illaroo Road. The finished project will link lllaroo Road (near the western end of West Cambewarra Road, Bangalee) to Moss Vale Road (at Bells Lane) in Cambewarra. The entire project is currently scheduled to be completed by 2023.

As the design of the Project has progressed, Council has identified a need for additional funds to address potential flood impacts. Council has applied for further funding from the Federal Government and is awaiting final approval.

Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley is pleased with the progress to date.

“It’s a big project with a few more stages to come and continued progress is a priority for Council,” Clr Findley said.

“Once complete there will be some great benefits to this project, like reduced travel time, less congestion and traffic noise on Illaroo Road and better emergency response times with improved traffic conditions,” Clr Findley said.

“The project is also a win for the Shoalhaven economy with the design and construction expected to generate at least 50 jobs, with a number of jobs earmarked for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples under an indigenous participation plan. The delivery of this project will showcase Council’s strong working relationship with the Federal Government,” said Clr Findley.

The next stages of the project will involve;

  • the connection of Far North Collector to Moss Vale Road. This intersection is being designed and will require Transport for New South Wales approval as Moss Vale Road is a State road.
  • the connection from Moss Vale Road to Illaroo Road, and
  • the connection from Far North Collector to Taylors Road.

Updates on the project are available on Council's Far North Collector Road Get Involved webpage.

The new roundabout at Illaroo Road, North Nowra and West Cambewarra Road, Bangalee.

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