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Monday, May 11, 2020

Relaxed Laws on Coronavirus COVID-19 Could We Be Doing It Too Early?

So with weekly reductions of restrictions through the Australian Government, Australian National Cabinet:which includes the Australian Prime Minister, all Premiers and Territorial leaders that we actually will not go to a full release of restrictions.  This is until there is a total zero result 14 days in a row of tested positive Coronavirus COVID-19 extreme 

The simple fact is what the National Cabinet has done with the strong leadership of the Prime Minister is be one of the best countries with low results.

Yet, as the Prime Minister Scott Morrison has stated since this has started is 'we need not be too complacent with the result good results from Australia. All Australians  being from young to the elderly. from employed to unemployed from being out socialising to ending up at home isolating have now conditioned ourselves to the immediate extreme measures placed by the authorities prevention of the virus to spread and for the preventing death rate to increase.

By keeping ourselves occupied at home in isolation, we are not just helping ourselves, we are helping our fellow neighbours, community and fellow Australians from not ending being part of the Coronavirus COVID-19 statistics. The ones that break the laws introduced for social distancing deserve to be fined and end up with proper sentencing.

Yes, there are many theories about the Pandemic starting in Wuhan China, way before the World Health Organisation (WHO) was advised and suddenly the world panicked as soon as the news went out. By then there was no international travel restrictions imposed on each and every nation around the world. By then thousands and thousands of international flight passengers had travelled back to their homes. This in fact allowed the cause of the virus to spread allowing contamination to be passed over from person to person quickly..

I was amazed how the testing process gas become widespread for the Coronavirus COVID-19.The medical professionals and officials must be complimented how how fast everyone is using the test equipment. I'm sure the testing equipment has been tested thoroughly, if not the results would be heavily impacted.

Whilst the Australian opposition has been supporting the Prime Minister and the National cabinet with Premiers and Territorial lead e rd, we now find that they are coming out of the COVID-19 closet bickering about budgets and blowouts. If the government did fund the recently unemployed and people affected by the virus, the whole Australian economy would collapse, eventually. Yet remember the opposition has supported our government during the start with the Pandemic. Are they now turning the tables and going back into opposition and stating they could have done a better job when they agreed with the National Cabinet's decision?

The whole worlds global economy has gone downhill - The Australian  Government for example shows that assets held by our very own Reserve Bank of Australia have dropped dramatically in the last few months as seen in This Reserve Bank table.  Ranging from $58,741 Billion in December 2019 to $41, 511 Billion April 2020. The  substantial drop may be from the funds provided to keep the economy going. People don't have money - there is no money to spent and thus less money to maintain employment.

So, before the opposition goes on fire with loose cannon balls at the Prime Minister of Australia, let us realise that  he has cancelled his holiday last year and hasn't had one yet, since then. He has governed Australia as a strong leader and knows how to save lives and in the background get the economy back to where it was.

We have USA and European countries with tested  positive of Coronavirus COVID-19 in the extreme high figures and their death rates per day is climbing. In Australia, with great leadership from the Prime Minister, all Premiers and Territorial leaders, we are looking to go back to a normal society. We do have to be mindful of relaxing the laws of social distancing, visiting shopping, with large gatherings that if some tested positive is not in isolation and is amongst the crowds the spread of the virus could  be even more detrimental to all of us.


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