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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Announcement: 'Upbeat Songs With John' Radio Show to commence as from Monday 18th May 2020

Yes, for my Face books friends that have been waiting: families, former workmates, former school colleagues, all past and current community members, politicians and radio announcers at Vintage FM. I am commencing my new 'Upbeat songs with John' Radio Show.

The show will commence at 6pm as from 18th May 2020 at Bay & Basin 92.7FM, your local community radio station and will be continuously on Monday nights at the same time unless otherwise advised.

If you are not able to listen to it on your radio dial, you can go direct to the website here to listen to the 92.7FM program or any other community radio show programs.

We are lucky, we live in a country that allows local community  programs to be broadcasted locally and to the entire world (on the net). 

I have spent hours preparing for the show have over 650 Happy/ Upbeat songs on my playlist. Songs that will make you happy, clap your hands, tap your feet, sit down or lay down to relax, dance and finally make you hum or sing to these songs.

For the people that miss the show, I will also be providing links to listen to the show as well. Please  relax and enjoy the program. Share this post to other people who would be listeners. You never know if your name is mentioned for the 'Dedicated Song'.

I would appreciate any feedback on the up and coming Facebook page or on this blog post. All I ask is just be honest with your thoughts and opinions.

I want to thank all the people that came up with possible show names back in January this year and know that they all helped me come to the decision of the show name.

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