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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Know Your Rights As Australia Goes Into Stage Three Shutdown - SBS News

Here is something to think about - as we haven't going complete lock down yet. How will everyone feel, once this is implemented by the Australian Government. Actually how will you feel? Some people will be isolated or lock down alone - how will the government ensure that that they do not feel that lonesome?

I think it will be up to all of us. Not all the elderly people have access to Iphones, PC's, notepads laptops or any other social media device. They might have the simple radio and Television that keep them informed or neighbours (*keeping 2 metres distance apart) that keep in contact.

The others, that is us, who have to social media devices to facetime to interact with others, post comments or commence a new post and share, this keeps our mind active and busy. 

Click here for previous post on things to do while being isolated

This story from CBS News is about keeping within the law here is nsw excuses that may exempt you from any fine from the NSW Public Health Act 2010 is:

In particular, this Order directs that a person must not, without reasonable excuse, leave the person’s place of residence. Examples of a reasonable excuse include leaving for reasons involving— 

(a) obtaining food or other goods and services, or 
b) travelling for the purposes of work or education if the person cannot do it at home, or 
c) exercise, or 
(d) medical or caring reasons. In addition, this Order directs that a person must not participate in a gathering in a public place of more than 2 persons. 

Exceptions include— 
(a) gatherings of members of the same household, and 
(b) gatherings essential for work or education. 

Section 10 of the Public Health Act 2010 creates an offence if an individual fails to comply with a direction with a maximum penalty of imprisonment for 6 months or a fine of up to $11,000 (or both) plus a further $5,500 fine each day the offence continues. Corporations that fail to comply with a direction are liable to fine of $55,000 and $27,500 each day the offence continues.

Click here for SBS News article

*Keeping 2 metres apaprt is my thoughts as the

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