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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

2019-2020 Bush Fire Inquiry - Hon. Shelley Hancock MP For Southcoast

Good morning

The NSW Government has commissioned an independent expert 

inquiry into the 2019-20 bushfire season to provide input ahead of 
the next bushfire season.
The Inquiry welcomes submissions from bushfire affectedresidents, emergency and support personnel, organisations and the general public.
Everyone is encouraged to share their experience and tell their story to inform the Inquiry’s work.

The Inquiry will endeavour to travel to bushfire affected 

communities to meet with and hear directly from people who have 

been affected. The Inquiry will inform local communities ahead of all 

visits to ensure it reaches as many people as possible. The schedule 

for community visits will be posted on the bush fire inquiry site as 

soon as visits are confirmed.

How to make a submission
Your response and feedback will help to inform the Inquiry's report. If you would like to, please refer to the Inquiry's Terms of Reference
Use the online form below to make a submission. You can also provide your feedback by:

The deadline for submissions is 27 March 2020, but this can be extended for those directly by the fires.


The Office of The Hon Shelley Hancock MP

Member for South Coast

ph: (02)4421 0222

fax: (02)4422 1180

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