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Friday, March 8, 2024



Men & Women Working Together to Heal Our World

Dear John


The International Men’s Day team congratulates the women of the world on the 114th celebration of International Women’s Day, which started in 1911. Three years ago, in 2021 the theme we celebrated for International Men’s Day was, ‘better relations between men and women’. This is still one of our core objectives.

That’s why we are encouraging you to make sure you thank and appreciate the women in your life on 8 March by saying,  “Happy International Women’s Day!

Launched in 1999, and now celebrated in more than 90 countries worldwide, International Men’s Day (IMD) is gaining great momentum. One of the six pillars of International Men’s Day is: “To promote positive male role models; not just movie stars and sports men but every day, working class men who are living decent, honest lives.” In this light, the theme for IMD 2024 is ‘Positive Male Role Models’.

See our newly released promo video below.

From the very start International Men’s Day has been about working together with women to reverse the so-called gender war and build better relations between men and women.  Together, as Dr Jerome Teelucksingh often says, “We can bring hope and healing to the human race.”

So, on 8 March, let us greet everyone with a smile and the words, ‘Happy International Women’s Day’.”

Men who are positive male role models are dedicated to the service of others, including women and children. During war time men give their lives in massive acts of bravery on behalf of women and children. Sadly 93% of workplace deaths each year are men. During peace time, men give their lives working hard day and night for the women and children in their lives. Sadly, this sacrifice is not always acknowledged.

We need your help to keep promoting International Men’s Day around the globe. Nothing happens in a vacuum and without your financial assistance we cannot keep promoting International Men’s Day to the world. Thank you for your help in advance.


Dr Jerome Teelucksingh and I believe that “International Men’s Day has the potential to become a global medium to heal our world. The concept and themes of International Men’s Day are designed to give hope to the depressed, faith to the lonely, comfort to the broken-hearted, transcend barriers, eliminate stereotypes, and create a more caring humanity.

We and the team at International Men’s Day believe that now is the time to honour our daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, grandmothers and our female friends by wishing them Happy International Women’s Day.” 

The information contained in this communication has gone out as a paid Media Release all over the world. Thank you again in advance for your help to keep getting this message out there.

Yours for a More Caring Humanity

Warwick Marsh

Website: https://internationalmensday.com  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Official.International.Mens.Day

Warwick Marsh: 61 418 225 212

Dr Jerome Teelucksingh: j_teelucksingh@yahoo.com


PS: Click the below button to help us promote International Men’s Day to the whole world.


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