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Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Man Walk - St Georges Basin - Leads The Way

Here we are with the 2nd The Man Walk - St Georges Basin which has doubled in numbers since the Launch in October 2022.

With the first walk launch Click here for details, I had to take a long look at what had happened, wondering if it was a success. The problem was I set expectations for myself, which I think we all do to our very ourselves. Those expectation goals would be set high.

Because I decided to launch 'The Man Walk - St Georges Basin' the same day as the Spring Into Sanctuary Point Fair, I really thought men would have being coming in their tens. So, because I undermined the numbers that turned up at the first, I have since removed all expectations and know that every walk itself, will be a success. Yes, the first walk was a success as there were two of us. The two of us had a great conversation for the period of time we walked.

We both benefitted from each other's conversation and felt that this new walk would take time, to bring more men together to walk, talk and support each other. And today proved this to be right.

Setting up a diary event on the Facebook Page was great as I was able to gauge the interested men who wanted to turn up to their first walk. 

On the first walk, I was making sure I was early. Today, I was early and the other three men were waiting for me. This to me, showed how important was the walk to them. Whether they were coming to provide support, just join in and participate in an important positive conversation or even came to seek advice and help, or just listen.

At this point, I would like to advise that while organizations like 'RU OK Day' ask if you are OK - the real thing is it is alright not to be OK. This is one thing that the average person may not understand this view or statement.

Asking the question, once a year on RU OK Day 'Are you OK', is a good thing but we really need to use these words a lot more than once a year. We may then need to listen and try to understand their current feelings.

With, 'It is OK not to be Ok, it places the person that listens to this in a relaxed state. You can also tell them, 'It is OK to ask for help'. 

Today, speaking to all the men that attended 'The Man Walk - St Georges Basin' - we all learned from each other. Especially me, learning how there is more of a call for men to meet, walk and talk and support each other.

I call on more men from within the Basin area to attend this walk, encourage others to attend, and enjoy each one's company. As this man's walk grows, we strengthen our communities, build on social capital, and combat isolation by connecting men to walk, talk and support.

Subjects basically discussed today were: 

  • Keeping the start of the man walk to 6 am and to once a month for now. 
  • Lack of medical doctors/specialists in our area and the ones we have been snowed under with work.
  • Mental First Aid Courses availability for businesses and the same courses support children through their education. 
  • To combat men's isolation, there need to be so many choices available for men to use different ways of getting themselves out of feeling isolated: Take the next step. It was mentioned that attending 'The Man Walk' was one option to assist men who feel isolated or alone.
  • And many more things....

Now, I feel 'The man Walk - St Georges Basin' is leading the way now

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