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Monday, December 14, 2020

Have an opinion on Council’s Dog Policy? Join the community working group today - Shoalhaven City Council - Media Release


Shoalhaven City Council Media Release

15 December 2020

Shoalhaven City Council is undertaking a comprehensive review of Council’s Access Areas for Dogs Policy and Guide and are currently seeking membership for a community working group.  

The policy and guide provide important information on the location, and community use requirements, of the off-leash dog areas and dog owner responsibilities in the public domain, across the Shoalhaven local government area. 

Shoalhaven City Council Mayor, Amanda Findley said “As part of Council’s review of its Access Areas for Dogs Policy and Guide we will form a Community Working Group of interested community members to play a vital role in representing the views of the community”.  

“The Community Working Group will work closely with Council staff to provide meaningful, representative input and feedback on the operation, suitability, and safety of existing dog areas and signage, the potential for new dog areas, the adequacy of the current documents, and other  related matters”, Clr Findley said.  

“In order to get the best outcome for the Shoalhaven, we need to ensure that the overall Group is representative of the widest-possible span of community interests”, Clr Findley stated.  

Council is seeking members of the community who appreciate the range of issues central to the review of this Policy, have had team experience, are respectful of and open to the opinions of others, and accept consensus decisions. 

Council is seeking nominations from seven community members from each of the three Council Wards. 

Interested members of the community, including both dog owners and non-dog owners, are encouraged to nominate by Sunday 17 January 2021 on Council’s Get Involved page.  

Council will confirm the membership of the Community Working Group in February 2021.  

It is anticipated the duration of the Group will be from February 2021 to April 2021. 

For more information visit Council's Get Involved page

Image: Woman standing on beach with dog on-leash. 

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