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Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 2020 - Falzon Legal


November 2020

Welcome to the November edition of the Falzon Legal newsletter.

A newsletter for clients, friends of the practice and special interest groups.

This is a free service and in this edition we have some topical articles written in a helpful, no-nonsense style with plenty of practical suggestions. 

We hope you enjoy the articles.

Independent Children’s Lawyers in family law proceedings

Disputes about children after partners separate are emotive, causing stress and anxiety. To assist in the proceedings and help determine the best interests of a child, an Independent Children’s Lawyer will sometimes be appointed.
Click here to read more

Important considerations when planning a Granny Flat

With an aging population and housing shortages on the rise, building or creating a granny flat can offer a cost-effective solution to accommodate family members or an investment opportunity utilising your existing land to generate income.
Click here to read more

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a highly concerning social justice issue and demands further attention and inquiry within our society as sadly, the perpetrators are often those entrusted with caring for our older generation.
Click here to read more
Falzon Legal will close over the break on Friday 18 December and reopen on Monday 11 January 2021.

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Music History Calendar - Event of The day - 'Abba Reunite for Mamma Mia! Film Premiere'

        2008   The movie  Mamma Mia! , featuring the music of  ABBA  and based on the musical, opens in Sweden where the group attends the s...