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Monday, November 2, 2020

And Winner Of This Years 2020 Melbourne Cup is.......

 It was Anthony Van Dyck with Sir Dragonet that a surprise baby gave a warning about the chosen one. The Russian Camelot  was a verry elleegant persan tiger moth. He ran with dashing willoughby as the Mustajeer gave a twilight payment as they were heading Miami Bound. As the  Master of reality Vow and declare Avilius with the Prince of Arran and Ashrun met Etah James at the Oceanex  in their hands was Steel Prince. That is when they saw Stratum Albion at the Finche*

*Every year, I  created sentences of the Melbourne Cup using all horses name and sent them internally to fellow colleagues. To me, it was one fun way to have fun during the Melbourne Cup. See if you can match up with the list of the field. 

1. Anthony Van Dyke


3.Vow and declare

4. Master of reality

5. Sir Dragonet

6. Twilight payment

7. Verry Elleegant

8. Mustajeer

9.Stratum Albion

10. Dashing Willoughby

11. Finche

12. Prince of Arran

13. Surprise Baby

14. King of Leogrance (Scratched)

15. Russian Camelot

16. Steele Prince

17. The Chosen One

18. Ashrun

19. Warning

20. Etah James

21. Tiger Moth

22. Oceanex

23.Miami Bound

24. Persun

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