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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My Response to Shoalhaven City Council ' Draft & Operational Plan' Webinar 18th June 2020

I have raised some questions to the Webinar, as a matter of significance as follows and whilst the Webinar Started 3pm, have not had a response to any of them:

  • Has the Sanctuary Point Library sight been chosen as this wasn't mentioned in the SP Library survey?
  • Will any Council jobs be lost with $300 COVID-19 Financial assistance to ratepayers?
  • Councillors in May 2020 have voted on 0.0% increase in rates 2020-2021 but Budget Overviews states there is an IPART rate increase - please explain?
  • Will the Francis Ryan Reserve Amenities $200K include a pump track beside the Skate Park in SP?
Got 3 out of 4 questions asked, which is great. I will outline what I heard the answers to be, here:
  • Yes, the Council has purchased land on the corner of  Kerry Streets and  Paradise Point Roads - but didn't respond to why it wasn't mentioned in the survey to the Sanctuary Point Library. There were 3 areas suggested as sights for the Library.
  • In relation to job losses. No. The budget makes full provision to support existing employees - During COVID-19 some casual were redeployed into other roles.
  • Apparently, there was not a 0% increase to exhibit a 3.4% rate peg as per  NSW IPART increase rate.

I will further feedback later, as received.

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