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Saturday, March 28, 2020

What World Economy Will We Live In Future- Is There A Suggestion For A Centrally Controlled Economic System

With the Coronavirus COVID Pandemic, on our front door - we have to sit and think back to November last year, when we were not aware of this Pandemic starting.

Now, we have government Media Releases and advertisements to help all of us preventing the spread of the disease of Coronavirus COVID-19. 

I do worry as around Australia, thousands of jobs are been lost every day and businesses closing down. People's income will suddenly reduced. Both the younger generation and my generation have never been through any world wars. In previous world wars, they were about religious and  wanting more power through taking over the world. Horrible wars, stories told by our parents and grandparents. The worst thing thing that happened in these wars is the loss of thousands and millions of lives: an actual decrease in population right across the world. Soldiers were dying and most Generals of armies were surviving and living the wars.

While the 1st and 2nd world wars were on, Australia was still a young nation, in it's early stages trying to establish itself. After the 2nd world war, we invited others from other countries into our land. Immigrants were from 2nd world war form the survivors. 

We all know, nobody wants to have or be involved in wars. Not you or I - but we are in one at present. This time there is the silent war that the world is fighting against. I know through the grace of God, that there will be a cure for people and once that happens, the questions that will remain: if we will be able to live the way we were before? I seriously think there will be changes by our decision makers, our leaders. A lot of countries will end up bankrupt as they provide further financial stimulus to prevent further financial hardship to each and every Australian and other people around the world, live day to day.

I do have a theory there has been a cure ever since the outbreak of the Coronavirus COVID-19 but I do hope I am wrong. My main concern if we lose our Australian currency, after this is all over and  then heading into a global centrally controlled economic monetary system. That means Global currency. We need to steer away from that as that makes each country lose it's financial identity and credibility.

As our Prime Minister has been saying, there is 2 issues we face with this Coronavirus COVID-19: one being an 'Economic issue' and then the second is a 'Health Issue'. I'm am grateful that the Australian Government is  heading strong with the 'Health Issue'. With the virus, the ones that come back with a positive testing, 80 percent would be mildly affected and moderately affected. They would have better immune systems to deal with it.The remaining 20 percent are the patients that we need to focus the immediate health care for the Coronavirus COVID-19, this could reduce this Pandemic. If we do this, this may prevent total lock down.

Should lock down happen, 90 percent of population will be in lock down and the rest of 10% would be classified as 'Essential Services': police, ambulance, paramedics, Fire Services, National Cabinet, Australian Armed Services, doctors, nurses, Retail employees from Woolworths, Aldi's, Coles and IGA and I hope Local Government Services as well.

I feel that a total lock down, should have been done about 2 weeks ago, but doing that would have ripped the heart of the nation's people immediately sending creating a terrible panic state. It would have been a total shock to all Australians. I fully support the National Cabinet in the decisions they are taking. Hard decisions that are changing the way we have to live in our country. By presenting these decisions on a stage by stage basis, we can accept them better than one whole decision brought down on us. 

We understand that sometimes there are doubts as to what brought us to this situation. I have referred a video from David Icke, who has written books on this type of pandemic happening. It is a theory, but I'll leave for yourself to judge, what your thoughts are:
Click here for video

From the David Icke's video, I have checked out the video on event 201 Click here for details and for  details of the 7th Worldwide Military games held in Wuhan 2019 click here for details on Wikipedia My question is, are these coincidental or conspiracy situations?

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