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Friday, March 27, 2020

Shouldn't Local Government Be Classified as "Essential Services" Besides Businesses?

Whilst we have  the Coronavirus COVID-19 and the Australian Government, through our Prime Minister, Hon. Scott Morrison MP has provided press releases that are changing our community and the way we live everyday to ensure that everyone has been given the opportunity to not being effected with this global virus.

It is a society that we haven't lived before, a virus war is upon us. Simple very day things we have to do,  personally for prevention of it: not touch any part of your face, every time you touch something wipe it down, cleaning hands at least 20 seconds and properly wipe them off.  Self-isolate at home, if possibly affected or come into contact into contact with someone who may have been affected and so on.

The hard decisions being made by our Prime Minister, Hon. Scott Morrison are definitely hard decisions that should not be taken lightly. Each decision may be placing more people on the unemployment queue, more businesses to be inoperable anymore. In saying this, there are businesses that are necessary to operate for our community and then we forget there are Governments that are necessary to provide local services to our community, which may be affected as well.

Who are they? They are the staff of our Local Government Areas.
Councilors are elected for a four year term, at each local government election, so they are safe until the elections of September 2020, which has been postponed to September 2021.

We all know how Local Government Areas are the pivotal point to communities growing with the times and they provide important accessible and necessary services to the wider communities. 

One Local Government Area, we will take as an example is amongst the 126 Councils within NSW and the 2nd highest population within NSW.: Blacktown.

On the news, we only hear of Councils, if there is complaints about growth in an area or even of the Council itself. The big news items generally derive from NSW and Australian Governments.

Blacktown LGA has strong leaders in Mayor, Councilor Tony Bleasedale, who has been in Council for a long period of time. He has a great understanding of how people feel in this situation, especially with an estimated population (2018) of 366,534 in an area of 1,364.77km square. You would hope that during this Coronavirus COVID-19 time, actually we all hope that Council Officers job will maintain. 

Without their services, roads can't be clean, rubbish removal cannot be done and many other  jobs that are conduct by our local area governments. So, what I'm saying here is that Local Governments, all Local Governments should be treated as essential services to the community, when choices are made by the Federal Government.

In Wikipedia, it claims that 'Essential Services may refer to a class of occupations that have been legislated by a government to have labour actions such as not being allowed to legally strike.

Here the list of essential Services from Wikipedia

So does Local Government fit into "Essential Services"?

 My answer is 'yes' they are nd I have stated above what important services they provide. What's your answer

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