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Monday, March 23, 2020

I'm Coronavirus COVID-19 Information Drenched.....

We have the tv media, with multiple tv stations, with multiple experts: doctors, reporters, patients, Government officials, Government elected-representatives and the list goes on....

We have press release after press release since the Coronavirus COVID-19 became widespread throughout the world. Panic has arising from the Coronavirus Pandemic. 

There is over buying of regular day to day items:toilet paper, tissues, paper wipes, pasta, flour, eggs, bake beans, spaghetti and sometimes your basic meat is sold out in your major supermarkets. I must put put a great positive shout out to the major supermarkets, their managers and their front line staff that have to deal with disgruntled  shoppers

Everyone is expressing opinions or providing facts. It is a daily topic to talk about, without each day passing for each one of us. 

I  believe the Coronavirus COVID-19 is out there but there is a few things that worry me with all this crazy reaction: from world leaders to  the individual person like you and me.

Firstly naming it from the World Health Organisation the Virus is actually called SARS Cov 2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2). The disease itself is called Coronavirus COVID-19.

So the Virus SARS came out in 2002 and SARS 2 came out in 2019. So although the disease Coronavirus COVID 19 has  has a world wide affect in 2020, it broke out in 2019

What people need to do is follow all government guidelines, If it is not adhered too, then there is a possibility to spread. The message going out to the community is it is up to everyone of us to prevent this disease. This is coming from our own Government and also the World Health Organisation, which  says 1 minute for hand washing is  part of prevention of  this disease spreading. Click here for hand washing video  and a video on hand rubbing

They also provide information on proper handwashing hygiene, avoiding to touch your face, Social distancing, good respiratory hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, food safety and preparation, avoid large public gatherings is on Australian Health Government website here

We have  many messages coming to us from everywhere One is From Mayor, Councillor Tony Bleasedale of Blacktown City Council Messenger:

Below is a message from one of my school friends shared on messenger:

Media Statement from NSW Premier, Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, Click here for details

We have NRL,A-League games discontinuing and AFL games for both men and women are postponed until reviewed by 31st May 2019. We have a lot of people on casual jobs in bar work, chefs in  restaurants, bars, people working in the tourism industry, losing jobs, Some workers  have been made redundant already and others have reduced hours.

 We have guidelines in place to prevent  this disease from spreading. They are extreme measures but I do think that these measures  could include- complete lock downs for all Australians for three weeks minimum until there are cures found to fight it back and bring all people to better health. If we do not follow these guidelines, it will be 'UnAustralian' . Yet if we follow these measures, we may be able to have a stronger and healthier community, which makes us all better Australians.

Australian Government announced a 2nd Stimulus package that is  directed to 
  • Support for households including casuals, sole-traders, retirees and those on income support
  • Assistance for businesses to keep people in a job
  • Regulatory protection and financial support for businesses to stay in business
So much information is coming from everywhere, so yes becoming Coronavirus COVID information drenched.

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